Saturday, September 12, 2009

this happens to everyone, and everyone includes me

One feels he is powerful.
One thinks that the world is in the hollow of his palms.
One gets drunk with the deceptive notion (potion) of absolute strength and infallibility .
One develops the devil may care attitude.
Suddenly the world of deception crumbles before him like ninepins.
Realization dawns upon him that whatever superhuman powers he is  arrogating to himself is just a fiction --just a hallucination.
To survive, he has to crawl back to the realm of black reality.
For one who has lived in a paradise, although it was created by a fool that he was with his own misplaced ideas and faulted intellect, it is well nigh impossible to face the hell of reality.

The Hamletian dilemma with its wide open pair of horns haunts him..
Face it and perish…
Avoid it and perish…
Sooner than later the gloom takes over

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