Tuesday, December 06, 2011

jaya jaya deva hare

श्रितकमलाकुचमण्डन धृतकुण्डल कलितलळितवनमाला जय जय देव हरे॥१॥

दिनमणि मण्डलमण्डन भवखण्डन मुनिजनमानस हंस जय जय देव हरे॥२॥

काळियविषधरभञ्जन जनरञ्जन यदुकुलनळिनदिनेश जय जय देव हरे॥३॥

मधु मुर नरक विनाशन गरुडासन सुरकुलकेळिनिधान जय जय देव हरे॥४॥

अमलकमलदळ लोचन भवमोचन त्रिभुवनभवन निधान जय जय देव हरे॥५॥

जनकसुताकुचभूषण जित दूषण समरशमितदशकण्ड जय जय देव हरे॥६॥

अभिनवजलधर सुन्दर धृतमन्दर श्रीमुख चन्द्रचकोर जय जय देव हरे॥७॥

श्रीजयदेवकवेरितं कुरुते मुदं मङ्गल्मुज्ज्वलगीतं जय जय देव हरे॥ ८॥

॥इति महाकवि श्रीजयदेव विरचिते गीतगोविन्दे सामोददामोदरे द्वितीय अष्टपदी॥

shritakamalaakuchamaNDana dhR^itakunDala kalitalaLitavanamaalaa jaya jaya deva hare ..1..

dinamaNi maNDalamaNDana bhavakhaNDana munijanamaanasa haMsa jaya jaya deva hare ..2..

kaaLiyaviSadharabha~njana janara~njana yadukulanaLinadinesha jaya jaya deva hare ..3..

madhu mura naraka vinaashana garuDaasana surakulakeLinidhaana jaya jaya deva hare ..4..

amalakamaladaLa lochana bhavamochana tribhuvanabhavana nidhaana jaya jaya deva hare ..5..

janakasutaakuchabhuuSaNa jita duuSaNa samarashamitadashakaNDa jaya jaya deva hare ..6..

abhinavajaladhara sundara dhR^itamandara shriimukha chandrachakora jaya jaya deva hare ..7..

shriijayadevakaveritaM kurute mudaM ma~NgalmujjwalagiitaM jaya jaya deva hare.. 8..

..iti mahaakavi shriijayadeva virachite giitagovinde saamodadaamodare dvitiiya aSTapadii ..

This is an Ashtapadi where Sri Jayadeva describes the whole glory of Maadhava.. in Sopana Sangeetham and  great art forms like Kathakali, this ashtapadi is rendered as the mangalaslokam... Today is Guruvayurapaan's day.. his own Ekadasi.. my humble pranams for His welfare because the whole world can be in good stead only if that black fellow is happy.

Victory to you, Victory to you, Oh Lord Hari..
You the amorous lover holding the breast of Lakshmi the Kamala, you having your resplendent ear ornaments, adorning the beautiful garland of thulasi and other flowers,
you, the most exalted adornment for the orb of the sun, you, the remover of the mundane pathos of your devotees, you the swan shining in the lotus of the learned sages,
you, the shatterer of the poison fangs of Kaaliya the snake,  you the rejoicer of the hearts of one and all with your glorious lore,  you the sun for the lotus that is called the yadu clan,
you the destroyer or demons madhu, mura and naraka,  you the occupant of the back of the lord of birds Garuda, you the sole cause for the rejoicing of the numerous gods and their clans,
you the possessor of eyes shaped like flawless petals of a fresh lotus, you the destroyer of the sins and sufferings of the devotees,  you who contains and protects the three worlds in your belly during the deluges at the end of eons,
you, the playful handler of the breast of the daughter of Janaka, you the vanquisher or Dhooshana, you the slayer of the ten-headed Ravana at the end of a fierce battle,
you the possessor of freshly black beauty like the newly formed black cloud,  you the supporter of Mandhara mountain during the churning of the milky ocean, you the chakora bird which drinks the face of the moon that is Lakshmi,
The above song which  is sung by the Poet Jayadeva may endow all of us with  happiness and mangalam
 ( there is no word to translate the meaning of this word to English)

The writing is by a poet who has realised Krishna and witnessed His  playful activities.  So whatever he writes, in devotion or in sringaararasam is equally sacred.  The amorous union of prakriti and purusha is the basis for the existence of this world.. We are mere constituents and the exalted souls like this poet are well within their rights to  describe their master in whatever way they want. 
Sree Krishnaarapanam.

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