Saturday, December 24, 2011

Radha saw her Krishna

राधावदनविलोकनविकसित विविधविलास विभङ्गं
जलनिधिमिवविधुमण्डलदर्शन तरळिततुङ्गतरङ्गं
हरिमेकरसं चिरमभिलषित विलासं
सा ददर्श गुरुहर्षवशंवदहृदयमनङ्गविलासं॥१॥
हारममलतरमुरसि दधतं परिलम्ब्य विदूरं।
स्फुटतरफेनकदम्बकरम्बितमिव यमुनाजलपूरं॥२॥
श्यामळमृदुलकळेभरमण्डल परिहितगौरदुकूलम्
नीलनळिनमिव पीतपरागपटलभरपरिगतमूलं॥३॥
स्फुटकमलोदरखेलितखञ्जनयुगमिव शरदि तटाकं॥४
वदनकमलपरिशीलनमिळितमिहिरसमकुण्डल शोभं
विपुलपुळकभरदन्तुरितं रतिकेलिकल्ल्भिधीरं
प्रणमत हृदि विनिधाय हरिं सुचिरं सुकृतोदयसारं॥८॥
श्रीजयदेवकृते गीतगोविन्दे अष्टपदी २२
rādhāvadanavilokanavikasita vividhavilāsa vibhaṅgaṁ
jalanidhimivavidhumaṇḍaladarśana taraḻitatuṅgataraṅgaṁ
harimekarasaṁ ciramabhilaṣita vilāsaṁ
sā dadarśa guruharṣavaśaṁvadahṛdayamanaṅgavilāsaṁ||1||
hāramamalataramurasi dadhataṁ parilambya vidūraṁ|
sphuṭataraphenakadambakarambitamiva yamunājalapūraṁ||2||
śyāmaḻamṛdulakaḻebharamaṇḍala parihitagauradukūlam
nīlanaḻinamiva pītaparāgapaṭalabharaparigatamūlaṁ||3||
sphuṭakamalodarakhelitakhañjanayugamiva śaradi taṭākaṁ||4
vadanakamalapariśīlanamiḻitamihirasamakuṇḍala śobhaṁ
vipulapuḻakabharadanturitaṁ ratikelikallbhidhīraṁ
praṇamata hṛdi vinidhāya hariṁ suciraṁ sukṛtodayasāraṁ||8||
śrījayadevakṛte gītagovinde aṣṭapadī 22

Geetagovindam of Jayadeva is the description of  the strange and sweet relationship of Radha and Krishna, full of  yearning for each other and at the same time a saga of self-mortification through separation from one one another for frivolous causes with all eagerness to  get united.. they seem very far from each other when they are near and they are so close to each other when they are separated.  It is also the yearning of the seeker for the ultimate being sought after, the search of prakriti and purusha to unite with each other  and make the universe perfect.... 
The twenty-second Ashtapadi is where after a lot of lovelorn reprimands and anxious  separations Hari the lover and Radha his dearest, meet one another.  How that Radha saw Hari in that state of near fulfilment is the content of this Kalyana Ashtapadi. 

That Radha saw Hari  whose only desire at that moment was to get united with her.. the moment He was awaiting with eagerness for a long time now..His only object of love at that moment was Radha.. on seeing her face, He is alternately subjected to myriad  emotions like disability to move, sweating,  raising goose pimples and so like the ocean raising all its waves towards the full moon at the moment of tide.

He wore a long garland full of pearls that made   His pitch-black body resemble the river Kalindi which  is very murky and black but shines with pure white foam on its surface. 
He shone like a black lily flower with dark and soft petals which was partially covered by a yellow silken cloth resembling  yellow hued spores of that dark flower. 
His dark pair of eyes were just wandering fast left to right having glimpse at the attractive face of Radha.. and he looked like a lake with a pair of Khanjanika birds swimming blissfully over its waters.
His face was like a red lotus ( for a dark face like His to become red like a lotus should definitely mean the intensity of his yearning for Radha), flanked by two earrings which shone like two suns and His lovesome lips were tremulous with the insatiable desire for union with  His love...Radha
He was adoring his hair with pure white flowers  and it gave an impression of the rays of moon peeping out of the covers of dark cloud.  His face shone like the moon which had just come out fresh from out of a cover of dark clouds. 
And to top it all, the  lord of the whole universe in His excited state of mind in full expectation of an ideal communion with Radha, was totally  bereft of any boldness... completely given to sweet anxiety of expectation.. Radha saw him adorned in all the valuable gems and other embellishments, eager to take possession of the real gem he yearned for .. Radha
This tribute of Jayadeva to the eager expectation of Krishna in His union with Radha is an additional ornament  offered to Hari. 
Let offer pranams to  that Hari whose beauty is enhanced by the nearness of Radha and is further enhanced by the tribute of this Jayadeva.

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