Friday, September 12, 2014

A small incident forty six years ago, but a great lesson..

A small incident forty six years ago, but a great lesson..

I just want to record one real life incident here..
During my student days, there was a constant and consistent neighbour to me in my class.. sitting always in the same bench in the next seat and quarrelling but inseparable.. from class V in PMG School Palakkad, for the next eight years..
Dorai, Venkitakrishnan Audithyapuram 

we would fight for small things.. Call names, distorted names.. etc.

We would mock and mimic each other..

But never thought of changing seats and all.

Once his pestering on a day was too much for me and it was the ninth standard.. VR Chandran Sir, ( the tall Sir, who left us too prematurely RIP) was our class teacher.

I stood up in the class and complained about the nuisance.. 

Chandran sir simply asked both of us to meet him after the day was over.. 

Dutifully we presented ourselves before the Master in the staff-room..

By that time we had no memory of our quarrel..

The Master simply asked me what was my complaint and problem..

I had nothing..

So he asked us to run away and disappear..

Dorai must be remembering..

A small incident forty six years ago, but a great lesson..

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