Wednesday, February 22, 2017

the Rudras...

the Rudras... 

ब्रह्माण्डव्याप्तदेहा भसितहिमरुचा भासमाना भुजङ्गैः
कण्ठे कालाः कपर्दाः कलित शशिकलाश्चण्डकोदण्डहस्ताः। 
त्र्यक्षा रुद्राक्षमाला प्रकटितविभवाः शांभवा मूर्तिभेदाः 
रुद्राः श्रीरुद्रसूक्तप्रकटितविभवाः नः प्रयच्छन्तु सौख़्यम्॥
brahmāṇḍavyāptadehā bhasitahimarucā bhāsamānā bhujaṅgaiḥ 
kaṇṭhe kālāḥ kapardāḥ kalita śaśikalāścaṇḍakodaṇḍahastāḥ | 
tryakṣā rudrākṣamālāḥ prakaṭitavibhavāḥ śāṁbhavā mūrtibhedāḥ 
rudrāḥ śrīrudrasūktaprakaṭitavibhavāḥ naḥ prayaccantu sauyam ||

this is one of the three invocatory prayers as a preface to Chanting SriRudram ...or Shatarudriyam of Krishnayajurvedam 

May the various forms of Shambu which are the (eleven ) Rudras who manifest themselves in all their glory when praised by the Shatarudriyam or Rudrasooktha bless us with welfare and eternal Grace of Shiva.

The innumerable glories of the forms of Shambu the Rudra described in the above prayer are 

The forms of Rudra the Shambu are spread all over the length and breadth of the universe.. the brahmaanda 

The forms of Rudra the Shambu are shining with the sparkling whiteness of (the Himalayan) snow

The forms of Rudra the Shambu are sparkling with venomous snakes crawling all around their bodies

The forms of Rudra the Shambu are pitch dark at their throat areas (with the solidified poison Halahala stuck there)

The forms of Rudra the Shambu are having their hair tied in the shape of thick matted locks 

The forms of Rudra the Shambu are decorated with the crescent of the moon

The forms of Rudra the Shambu are having fierce and huge bow and arrow held in the hands 

The forms of Rudra the Shambu are having three eyes (representing the Sun Moon and the Fire )

The forms of Rudra the Shambu are accentuated by the garlands made of Rudraksha seeds 
word analysis 

ब्रह्माण्डव्याप्तदेहा the forms of Shambu which are spread all over the length and breadth of the universe.. the brahmaanda 
भसितहिमरुचा shining with the sparkling whiteness of (the Himalayan) snow
भुजङ्गैःभासमाना sparkling with venomous snakes crawling all around the body
कण्ठे कालाः pitch dark at the throat area (with the solidified poison Halahala stuck there)
कपर्दाः having hair tied in the shape of thick matted locks 
कलित शशिकला decorated with the crescent of the moon 
चण्डकोदण्डहस्ताः fierce and huge bow and arrow held in the hands 
त्र्यक्षा having three eyes 
रुद्राक्षमाला प्रकटितविभवाः the greatness of the forms accentuated by the garlands made of rudraksha seeds 
शांभवा मूर्तिभेदाः the various forms of Shambhu the Shivaa 
श्रीरुद्रसूक्तप्रकटितविभवाः रुद्राः the (eleven ) Rudras who manifest themselves in all their glory when praised by the Shatarudriyam or Rudrasooktha 
नः सौख्यं प्रयच्छन्तु may bless us with welfare and eternal Grace of Shiva.

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