Friday, June 07, 2019

musings 55

God as Swayambhu ( self born.. self willed) is present everywhere,

and through rituals, and through faith and vedic and tantric chants we try to concentrate the presence of God in some particular area.. some particular object.. some symbol or idol. 

That maybe an icon, lamp or area covered by panchabhootas ( the earth, water, fire, air and ether) or even emptiness.. 

That attempt is called Pratishta( consecration.. superimposition).. 

Even in a pratishta God is swayambhoo.. because you can only invoke on invite God to a particular area.. it is for Him to present Himself there or anywhere else.. 

We can never force Him..

When we trust in God as a Pantheistic being, and consider Him as present everywhere, rituals lose their importance.. Even religion is of little avail

But once we invoke God through a system of worship, we have to follow the rules of that system... 

That is very important.. 

Of course one can create his own religion, his own methods of worship and all.. but for that he has to be an extraordinary person.. 
Most of us are, I think, very ordinary persons.. 

And the test as to whether something is extraordinary should necessarily be validated not by the person himself autocratically..But by people and things present around that person 

Though we may love to talk aloud about our own methods and our own convictions, frankly there is no room for such autocracy in any organised religion.. 

If a person claims that he is above law, the state will deal with him properly and adequately.. 

Similarly if he is within the framework of some scripture or organised faith and he is trying to become too unorthodox, society, religion or perhaps God Himself will deal with him on merits 

Let us try to be frank.. and realistic.. 

And usually tall talks about having own paths in faith just evaporate into nothingness when a really tough challenge in life arises.. 

Of course there is a choice.. to raise above all religions and have a very objective relation with the Maker.. 
It is almost as good as atheism and agnosticism.. 

And to take such a stand takes too much of vigil, hard work and character.. which are all seen very rarely . Such state of mind and attitude are far beyond the normal capacity of simple mortals like us. 

The other choice is to follow the normal religious practices.. and one can try to persuade the society and perhaps even the God to adapt to the changing environments,.. but that is only an attempt..God knows who will succeed.. 

Faith is a sweet, mild, soothing thing.. Not a revolution. 

Faith is something which grows in us so naturally.. and not a declaration..

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