Sunday, July 07, 2019

from different angles....

एक एव पदार्थस्तु त्रिधा भवति वीक्षितः।
कुणपः कामिनी मांसं योगिभिः कामिभिः श्वभिः॥

eka eva padārthastu tridhā bhavati vīkṣitaḥ|
kuṇapaḥ kāminī māṁsaṁ yogibhiḥ kāmibhiḥ śvabhiḥ||

A quote from Chanakya again

The very same object the human body (especially of female) is looked upon by three different persons differently

Just as if it is a human corpse by a recluse or sage who has abandoned all worldly pleasures

As the most lovely and desirable companion by the lover 
As just a lump of flesh by a dog

एक एव पदार्थः तु just the one and the same object 
त्रिधा भवति becomes (perceived as) three (different things) योगिभिः वीक्षितः कुणपः when seen by a recluse of sage as human corpse 
कामिभिः वीक्षितः कामिनी when seen by an amorous companion as the most lovable and desirable woman 
श्वभिः वीक्षितः मांसं when seen by a dog as a mere lump of flesh

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