Sunday, December 01, 2019

asheervaada mantras from Vedas

Aaseervaatha mantras

( translated and explained by K V Ananthanarayanan)
पर्याप्त्या अनन्तरायाय सर्वस्तोमोऽति रात्र उत्तममहर्भवति
सर्वस्याप्त्यैसर्वस्यजित्त्यै सर्वमेव तेनाप्नोति सर्वं जयति ॥
ऋध्यास्म हव्यैर् नमसोपसद्य। मित्रं देवं मित्रधेयं नो अस्तु।
अनूराधान् हविषा वर्धयन्तः। शतं जीवेम शरदः सवीराः॥
नवो-नवो भवति जायमानो.अह्नां केतुरुषसामेत्यग्रम |
भागं देवेभ्यो वि दधात्यायन प्र चन्द्रमास्तिरतेदीर्घमायुः ||
सुमङ्गलीरियं वधूरिमां समेत पश्यत।
सौभाग्यमस्यै दत्त्वायाथास्तं वि परेतन॥
इमां त्वमिन्द्र मीढ्वः सुपुत्रां सुभगाम् कृणु।
दशास्यां पुत्राना धेहि पतिमेकादशं कृधि॥
अग्निस्तुविश्रवस्तमं तुविब्रह्माणमुत्तमम्।
अतूर्तं श्रावयस्पतिं पुत्रं ददाति दाशुषे॥
अग्निर्ददाति सत्पतिं सासाह यो युधा नृभिः।
अग्निरत्यं रघुष्यदं जेतारमपराजितम्॥
यशस्करं बलवन्तं प्रभुत्वं तमेव राजाधिपतिर्बभूव।
संकीर्णनागश्वपतिर्नराणां सुमङ्गल्यं सततं दीर्घमायुः॥
ऋग्वेद खिले सर्पसूक्ताद्
शतमानं भवति शतायुः पुरुषः शतेन्द्रियः आयुष्येवेन्द्रिये प्रतितिष्ठति॥
Paryaaptyaa anatharaayaaya sarvastome atiraatr uttamamaharbhavati
Sarvasyaaptyai sarvasya jityai sarvamev tenaapnoti sarvam jayati
ṛdhyāsma havyair namasopasadya | mitraṁ devaṁ mitradheyaṁ no astu| anūrādhān haviṣā vardhayantaḥ| śataṁ jīvema śaradaḥ savīrāḥ||
taittirīyabrāhmaṇe 3-1-2-1
navo navo bhavati jaayamano ahnaam keturushasaametyagram
bhaagam devebhya vi dadhaatyaayan pra chandramastirati deerghamaayuH
sumaṅgalīriyaṁ vadhūrimāṁ samet paśyata|
saubhāgyamasyai dattvāyāthāstaṁ vi paretana||33
ṛgvedam 10-85
imāṁ tvamindra mīḍhvaḥ suputrāṁ subhagām kṛṇu|
daśāsyāṁ putrānā dhehi patimekādaśaṁ kṛdhi||45
ṛgvedam 10-85
agnistuviśravastamaṁ tuvibrahmāṇamuttamam|
atūrtaṁ śrāvayaspatiṁ putraṁ dadāti dāśuṣe||4
agnirdadāti satpatiṁ sāsāha yo yudhā nṛbhiḥ|
agniratyaṁ raghuṣyadaṁ jetāramaparājitam|| 5
ṛgvedaṁ 5-25
yaśaskaraṁ balavantaṁ prabhutvaṁ tameva rājādhipatirbabhūva|
saṁkīrṇanāgaśvapatirnarāṇāṁ sumaṅgalyaṁ satataṁ dīrghamāyuḥ||
ṛgveda khile sarpasūktād
śatamānaṁ bhavati śatāyuḥ puruṣaḥ śatendriyaḥ āyuṣyevendriye pratitiṣṭhati||
kṛṣṇayajurvedīye taittirieeya brāhmaṇe 1-3-7-7
Analysis.. commentary.. translation of the mantras
पर्याप्त्या अनन्तरायाय सर्वस्तोमोऽति रात्र उत्तममहर्भवति सर्वस्याप्त्यै
सर्वस्यजित्त्यै सर्वमेव तेनाप्नोति सर्वं जयति ॥
Paryaaptyaa anatharaayaaya sarvastome atiraatr uttamamaharbhavati
Sarvasyaaptyai sarvasya jityai sarvamev tenaapnoti sarvam jayati
The great Atiratra Yajna which is praised everywhere is eminently suitable to gain immense and limitless wealth and fame
Thereby we get everything we wish
Thereby we would get victory over all
Thereby we come by all bountiful wealth
Thereby we conquer everything.
(This Vedic mantra found in Vishnu Suktham and Taittireeya Brahmanam is used as an Aseervatha mantram to bless all with wealth and victory.. Even though it refers to Atiratra and Soma the mantram is used a general Aseervatham)
ऋध्यास्म हव्यैर् नमसोपसद्य। मित्रं देवं मित्रधेयं नो अस्तु। अनूराधान् हविषा वर्धयन्तः। शतं जीवेम शरदः सवीराः॥
तैत्तिरीयब्राह्मणे ३-१-२-१
ṛdhyāsma havyair namasopasadya | mitraṁ devaṁ mitradheyaṁ no astu| anūrādhān haviṣā vardhayantaḥ| śataṁ jīvema śaradaḥ savīrāḥ||
taittirīyabrāhmaṇe 3-1-2-1
A very important Asheervada Mantram
May we ever remain with ever increasing prosperity and splendour by offering havis or cooked grain and humble prostrations to Mitra ( one of the Deities representing the Sun).
May all the splendour and grace that are to be provided to us by Mitra be with us through such offerings.
May we nourish with offerings of havis the constellation of Anooraadhaas ( the anizham star) which is the happy abode of Mitra..
May we live for hundred autums in the happy company of valorous sons, attendants and other friends and relatives ..
( This mantra is also the vedic invocation for the Star Anuradha or Anizham..
नवो-नवो भवति जायमानो.अह्नां केतुरुषसामेत्यग्रम |
भागं देवेभ्यो वि दधात्यायन प्र चन्द्रमास्तिरतेदीर्घमायुः ||
navo navo bhavati jaayamano ahnaam keturushasaametyagram
bhaagam devebhya vi dadhaatyaayan pra chandramastirati deerghamaayuH.
The moon, by adding some portion to it in the waxing fortnight and reducing some portion to it in the waning portion of the next fortnight is born as a new one every day..
And through such birth every day he is the harbinger of every fresh morning..
He disappears at dawn every morning brings in a new day..
And the periodic offerings of Havis to gods in appropriate parts are determined by the appearance of the moon as a new one every day (the yajnas are determined by the tithis.. which are governed by the phases of the moon)..
Such moon the controller of days and seasons may bless us with long life..
Rigvedam Mandalam 10 sooktham 85 slokam 19
सुमङ्गलीरियं वधूरिमां समेत पश्यत।
सौभाग्यमस्यै दत्त्वायाथास्तं वि परेतन॥३३
ऋग्वेदम् १०-८५
sumaṅgalīriyaṁ vadhūrimāṁ samet paśyata|
saubhāgyamasyai dattvāyāthāstaṁ vi paretana||33
ṛgvedam 10-85
Oh learned scholars and brahmins who have assembled here to bless, may you all appreciate that this bride . is Sumangali' who is endowed with all glory and signs of blessedness and long and uninterrupted marital bliss..
May your blessed looks be bestowed on her with all kindness and benediction.
May all of you wish her all fortune and bestow on her all blessedness before you take leave of this house..
इमां त्वमिन्द्र मीढ्वः सुपुत्रां सुभगाम् कृणु।
दशास्यां पुत्राना धेहि पतिमेकादशं कृधि॥४५
ऋग्वेदम् १०-८५
imāṁ tvamindra mīḍhvaḥ suputrāṁ subhagām kṛṇu|
daśāsyāṁ putrānā dhehi patimekādaśaṁ kṛdhi||45
ṛgvedam 10-85
Oh Lord Indra May your grace be pleased to make this newly wed lady(Sumangali) to have sons who are accomplished in every way possible ..
May you be pleased to make her fortunate in all respects.. May you be pleased to bless her with ten sons.
And may her husband attain the status of the eleventh favourite son at the end..
This blessing was considered as the ultimate for a lady of the household..
अग्निस्तुविश्रवस्तमं तुविब्रह्माणमुत्तमम्।
अतूर्तं श्रावयस्पतिं पुत्रं ददाति दाशुषे॥४
अग्निर्ददाति सत्पतिं सासाह यो युधा नृभिः।
अग्निरत्यं रघुष्यदं जेतारमपराजितम्॥ ५
ऋग्वेदं ५-२५
agnistuviśravastamaṁ tuvibrahmāṇamuttamam|
atūrtaṁ śrāvayaspatiṁ putraṁ dadāti dāśuṣe||4
agnirdadāti satpatiṁ sāsāha yo yudhā nṛbhiḥ|
agniratyaṁ raghuṣyadaṁ jetāramaparājitam|| 5
ṛgvedaṁ 5-25
Another great Aseervatha mantram... taken from sooktha 25 of the fifth Mandalam of Rigvedam
May Agni bless the Yajamana who offers havis (cooked grain) to the fire,
with a son
Who is always endowed fully with sources for food.. rice
Who is learned and is praised by all with so many eulogies or stotras
Who is noble among the noblest
Who cannot be injured or overcome by the enemies
Who makes forefathers and guardians famous with his own actions that are praised by all 4
May Agni bless the Yajamana with a son
who is the protector of all good and noble people
who would gather his own followers and men and would win over the enemies decisively
who is very fast and nimble in his physical actions,
who would be the victor over all enemies
who would never face defeat from anyone..5
The above two aseervatha mantrams are with wishes for being blessed with good, active, and noble sons.. Sons with knowledge, valour and health..
When Vedas talk about sons.. we can assume that daughters too are included..
So I do not welcome any gender based remarks on this issue..
यशस्करं बलवन्तं प्रभुत्वं तमेव राजाधिपतिर्बभूव।
संकीर्णनागश्वपतिर्नराणां सुमङ्गल्यं सततं दीर्घमायुः॥
ऋग्वेद खिले सर्पसूक्ताद्
yaśaskaraṁ balavantaṁ prabhutvaṁ tameva rājādhipatirbabhūva|
saṁkīrṇanāgaśvapatirnarāṇāṁ sumaṅgalyaṁ satataṁ dīrghamāyuḥ||
ṛgveda khile sarpasūktād
The mantram is an aseervatham.. found in Rigveda Khilam.. and is found as a part of Sarpasooktham
The performer of sacrifice is blessed that he may become famous, he may become very strong, he may have all the authority, he may become the best among the kings, he would become as strong as the lord of Snakes, the Naga, and also as great as the conqueror of snakes.. Garuda Himself, he may be attain all that is worth and graceful.. soumangalyam.. and he may be blessed with a life span of hundred years..
शतमानं भवति शतायुः पुरुषः शतेन्द्रियः आयुष्येवेन्द्रिये प्रतितिष्ठति॥
कृष्णयजुर्वेदीये तैत्तिरिय ब्राह्मणे १-३-७-७
śatamānaṁ bhavati śatāyuḥ puruṣaḥ śatendriyaḥ āyuṣyevendriye pratitiṣṭhati||
kṛṣṇayajurvedīye taittirieeya brāhmaṇe 1-3-7-7
shatamaanam bhavati shataayuH purushaH shatendriyaH aayushyevendriye pratitishtati
This vedic mantram found in the Krishna Yajurvedam is the universal benediction given by the vedas.. for the health, wealth and longevity of the one who is blessed..
In every spiritual session involving vedic rites, this Asheervadam is invariably used..
The blessing is that the Man ( includes woman) should live with hundredfold glorious possessions , for hundred full years with his hundred organs all in full strength and vigour
Shatamanam is defined by Sayanacharya as possessor of five Panam.. One manam is one twentieth of a Panam.. and hundred manams is five panams.. But what exactly was the currency or gold equivalent for Panam is not really known definitely.. In some calculations Panam can come as 0.92 grams of silver, and in other cases it can mean many sovereigns of gold.. Anyway, possession of five panams was a great achievement in Vedic time according to Sayanacharya.. Without going into the units, the benediction can be taken as wish for all to have immense wealth.
The full life span of human being is considered to be hundred years long..
There are five jnanendriyas and five karmendriyas... so there are ten indriyas and each indriya has ten Nadis according to Sayanacharya.. So when the blessing for hundred steady limbs or Indriyas is accounted for .

പര്യാപ്ത്യാ അനന്തരായായ സര്‍വ്വസ്തോമോഽതി രാത്ര ഉത്തമമഹര്‍ഭവതി
സര്‍വ്വസ്യാപ്ത്യൈസര്‍വ്വസ്യ ജിത്ത്യൈ സര്‍വ്വമേവ തേനാപ്നോതി സര്‍വ്വം ജയതി ॥
ഋധ്യാസ്മ ഹവ്യൈര്‍ നമസോപസദ്യ। മിത്രം ദേവം മിത്രധേയം നോ അസ്തു।
അനൂരാധാന്‍ ഹവിഷാ വര്‍ധയന്തഃ। ശതം ജീവേമ ശരദഃ സവീരാഃ॥
നവോ-നവോ ഭവതി ജായമാനോഽഹ്നാം കേതുരുഷസാമേത്യഗ്രമ ।
ഭാഗം ദേവേഭ്യോ വി ദധാത്യായന പ്ര ചന്ദ്രമാസ്തിരതേദീര്‍ഘമായുഃ ॥
സുമങ്ഗലീരിയം വധൂരിമാം സമേത പശ്യത।
സൌഭാഗ്യമസ്യൈ ദത്ത്വായാഥാസ്തം വി പരേതന॥
ഇമാം ത്വമിന്ദ്ര മീഢ്വഃ സുപുത്രാം സുഭഗം കൃണു।
ദശാസ്യാം പുത്രാനാ ധേഹി പതിമേകാദശം കൃധി॥
അഗ്നിസ്തുവിശ്രവസ്തമം തുവിബ്രഹ്മാണമുത്തമം।
അതൂര്‍ത്തം ശ്രാവയസ്പതിം പുത്രം ദദാതി ദാശുഷേ॥
അഗ്നിര്‍ദദാതി സത്പതിം സാസാഹ യോ യുധാ നൃഭിഃ।
അഗ്നിരത്യം രഘുഷ്യദം ജേതാരമപരാജിതം॥
യശസ്കരം ബലവന്തം പ്രഭുത്വം തമേവ രാജാധിപതിര്‍ബഭൂവ।
സംകീര്‍ണനാഗശ്വപതിര്‍നരാണാം സുമങ്ഗല്യം സതതം ദീര്‍ഘമായുഃ॥
ഋഗ്വേദ ഖിലേ സര്പസൂക്താദ്

ശതമാനം ഭവതി ശതായുഃ പുരുഷഃ ശതേന്ദ്രിയഃ ആയുഷ്യേവേന്ദ്രിയേ പ്രതിതിഷ്ഠതി॥

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