pachai maamalai pol mene

Sunday, December 01, 2019

choose the right forum

वचस्तत्रैव वक्तव्यं यत्रोक्तं सफलं भवेत्।
स्थायीभवति चात्यन्तं रङ्गं शुक्लपटे यथा॥ 
vacastatraiva vaktavyaṁ yatroktaṁ saphalaṁ bhavet| 
sthāyībhavati cātyantaṁ raṅgaṁ śuklapaṭe yathā|| 

A great saying.. I found it quoted in so many texts.. But exact authorship and origin could not be traced 
Meaning of the couplet 
One should utter words and express his considered opinions only in forums where such views would bring some results 
It is like adding attractive colouring material on a clean white piece of cloth.. where the colour given becomes permanent.. 

Often we tend to flaunt our views and opinions in places where we are not wanted, not listened to.. Our views may be very valid and relevant, but if they fall of deaf ears, what is the use..? 
Often expressing our views in the presence of ruffians and rude persons can cause physical damage 

If dye is added to clean white cloth it will hold permanently.. 
But if the cloth is not clean, if the cloth is damaged or soiled, then the colour would come off.. 

A sensible person will not act in the wrong way, and he will never interact with the wrong people.. 
Discretion is at any time the better part of valour..

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