Saturday, December 07, 2019

it all depends on luck

पुरुषस्य भाग्यसमये पतितो वज्रोऽपि जायते कुसुमम्।
कुसुममपि भाग्यविरहे वज्रादपि निष्ठुरं भवति॥
puruṣasya bhāgyasamaye patito vajro'pi jāyate kusumam|
kusumamapi bhāgyavirahe vajrādapi niṣṭhuraṁ bhavati||

Comfort or discomfort, tt all depends on the state of luck of a person

Meaning of the subhashitam

When the lucky time runs even the hit by a thunderbolt would impact a person as if he has just been showered with fragrant flowers..
But if the man is encountering a difficult patch of fortune in his life, then even a fall of a single soft flower can harm him with impossible cruelty and sharpness as if he were hit by a thunderbolt..

Of course a man of character would face any situation in life with dignity.. whether his time is good or bad..
Some people are so dignified that even if they know they are about to die, they will dress up neatly so that others need not have to take the trouble of decorating the corpse..

word analysis
पुरुषस्य for a man
भाग्यसमये when his time is lucky
तस्मिन् on him
पतितः impacted
वज्रः thunderbolt.. lord Indra is famed to wield this as a weapon
अपि to
कुसुमं इव जायते. behaves as if it is a flower
भाग्यविरहे when bereft of luck
तस्मिन् on him
पतितः fallen, impacted
कुसुमं अपि even flower
वज्रादपि even more than thunderbolt
निष्ठुरम् cruel, sharp and heavy in impact
भवति happens..

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