pachai maamalai pol mene

Sunday, December 01, 2019

money or health lost can be recovered, but time lost is lost for ever..

नष्टं द्रव्यं लभ्यते कष्टसाध्यं नष्टा विद्या लभ्यतेऽभ्यासयुक्ता।
नष्टारोग्यं सूपचारैः सुसाध्यं नष्टा वेला या गता सा गतैव॥
naṣṭaṁ dravyaṁ labhyate kaṣṭasādhyaṁ naṣṭā vidyā labhyate'bhyāsayuktā|
naṣṭārogyaṁ sūpacāraiḥ susādhyaṁ naṣṭā velā yā gatā sā gataiva||

A great Subhashitam.. quoted in numerous compilations.. could not manage to trace the authorship..

Many things seemingly lost in life could be retrieved with some effort.. But a moment, an opportunity, lost of missed is lost for ever..

The meaning of the verse is

If we lose money, we could make good the loss in time, even though that may mean a lot of sweat and toil
If what we learnt and practices becomes lost or obsolete though lack of use and application, we can train ourselves again and reach the peak of efficiency in good time
If our health has declined through illness or injuries or for any other reason, we could spring back through efficient medication and effective nourishment
However once we lose some time.. and we manage to lose or even waste our valuable time.. that is a permanent loss.. the time and opportunity will never come back to us..

We are conscious of the value of money, education and health.. even though we often neglect to take care of them..
But time just runs fast beside us, and we do not realize that with every moment, we are nearing a point where we have to depart and we become non entities..

It is so sad..
And if we take care of our minutes and seconds, all others things like health, money and education would keep company with us happily and dance to our tunes..

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