Saturday, December 07, 2019

silence is the best decoration...

स्वायत्तमेकान्तगुणं विधात्रा विनिर्मितं छादनमज्ञतायाः।

विशेषतः सर्वविदां समाजे विभूषणं मौनमपण्डितानाम्॥
भर्तृहरिविरचिते नीतिशतके ७
svāyattamekāntaguṇaṁ vidhātrā vinirmitaṁ chādanamajñatāyāḥ|
viśeṣataḥ sarvavidāṁ samāje vibhūṣaṇaṁ maunamapaṇḍitānām||
bhartṛhariviracite nītiśatake 7

A gem of immense worth from Bhartruhari's Neetishatakam

The great value of silence is underlined her

Silence is created by Brahma the creator with highly potent inherent worth..
Silence is the effective cover for one's ignorance.
It is especially so when one is to be present in an assembly of erudite scholars

And in such assemblies, the best ornament one can have is to maintain silence..

A man is revealed in his true colours when he opens his mouth..
In the company of strangers, even if a fellow is just an idiot, he may look respectable if he is gravely silent..
Open the moth and the veil is lifted ..

But in real life, silence is a greater art to master than the process of moving the tongue..

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