Sunday, December 01, 2019

the boss can make the difference

दोषोऽपि गुणतां याति प्रभोर्भवति चेत्कृपा।
अङ्गहीनोऽपि सूर्येण सारथ्ये योजितोऽरुणः॥
doṣo'pi guṇatāṁ yāti prabhorbhavati cetkṛpā|
aṅgahīno'pi sūryeṇa sārathye yojito'ruṇaḥ||

A nugget of pure gold from the collection of great sayings, Subhashitaratnabhandagaram

Even if there are inherent defects in a person he would reach state of glory if he is blessed by the Lord..

The meaning of the couplet
If the mercy of the Lord is present, even defects can become sources of greatness.
Aruna was deformed and lacked limbs even at birth, but he was accepted as the charioteer of Sun Himself.

Physical deformities and difficulties in life happen to people, maybe because of their Karma..
And the ways of Karma are inscrutable..
It is very difficult to overcome Karma..
But if there is divine grace residing with us, then we would be endowed with greatness and glory in spite of all such setbacks

The story of Aruna.. the bright red one.. the deity of the east appearing just before the sunrise.. is found in many texts with some variations.
But the essential story-line is like this
Prajapathi Kashyapa married many daughters of Daksha Prajapathi and various clans of gods, demigods, demons, etc were born to Kashyapa from various such wives.

Two of the wives of Kashyapa were Kadru and Vinatha.. the sisters.
Both wanted illustrious sons born to them.
Kashyapa blessed Kadru with thousand sons.. the snakes or Nagas..
Vinata had also conceived at the same time, but she delivered two eggs.
Kashyapa had advised her to wait for the eggs to hatch..
The jealousy between Kadru and Vinata was intense, and when she saw thousand sons born to her sister, Vinata could not wait.

So she broke one of the eggs..
Kashyapa had told her that two sons of the same splendour and valour of the Sun would be born to them..
However, since the egg was broken prematurely, a son with defective and deformed limbs but with bright red glow emerged from the egg..(He should have been as bright as the midday sun had he been born after the prescribed period of hatching )
The child was very powerful and bright..
He gained the name of Aruna because of his tawny bright red colour..
Noticing his valour, the Sun God appointed the deformed bird Aruna as his charioteer..
Even today Aruna leads the chariot of the Sun from East to West..
And his colour appears first in the east as the Sun rises and his colour vanishes after the Sun as he sets in the west..
So by divine grace, Aruna has become eternal, although he is physically deformed.

Of course, the second egg delivered by Vinata hatched after thousand years and the glorious bird..Garuda, the victor of the world was born

The birds in Ramayanam, Sampathi and Jatayu.. the eagles are the sons of this Aruna

Yes, the one who is protected by the God is ever safe, whatever be his status and shape
And the one who is abandoned by God is lost for ever whatever be his status and glory..

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