Sunday, December 01, 2019

the right preparations would yield good results sooner or later..

कौमार्ये पठ्यतां विद्या शैत्ये संपाल्यतां च गौः।
क्षेत्रं च कर्ष्यतां पीतं त्रयः सुफलहेतवः॥
गतेऽपि वयसि ग्राह्या विद्या सर्वात्मना बुधैः।
यद्यपि स्यान्न फलदा सुलभा साऽन्यजन्मनि॥
आचार्यवररुचिकृते शतगाथायाम्
kaumārye paṭhyatāṁ vidyā śaitye saṁpālyatāṁ ca gauḥ|
kṣetraṁ ca karṣyatāṁ pītaṁ trayaḥ suphalahetavaḥ||
gate'pi vayasi grāhyā vidyā sarvātmanā budhaiḥ|
yadyapi syānna phaladā sulabhā sā'nyajanmani||
ācāryavararucikṛte śatagāthāyām

The above two couplets are attributed to one Acharya Vararuchi. They appear in a work Shata Gaathaa..
It looks more like a Jaina Text.. and perhaps this Vararuchi is not the great Grammarian and the Bhashya kara.
They are found in the compendium Subhashitaratnabhandagaram too..

However there is no doubt that the verses carry very worthy advices of eternal value.

One should be given education while he is in his youth.. especially while he is in his adolescence.
A cow should be protected with great care during cold season although its yield of milk may not be much then .
We should supply a lot of water and irrigate the agricultural field and plough it well although there may not be much yield in the beginning..

The education given during youth, the care given to the cow in the cold season and the water supplied of the arable land before sowing would yield great results and provide immense profit later on..

If a fellow neglects education during the period of youth,he is lost for ever..
If the cow is not properly looked after during the cold season, she will not survive to yield milk later..
Only irrigated and properly tilled land would permit growth of plants and such growth alone would give abundant crops later..

The second couplet underlines the value of education even more..
Even if a person has grown old, he should not stop learning for that reason alone..
If the education and training gained in this life does not prove to be effective in this life, they would work as a great opening capital in the future life..
What one has learned in this life could be caught up with great ease in the life to come, says the author..
Of course, there are a set of people who would believe that life ends with death..
The above idea may not appeal to them

However, our experience is that the level of intelligence and comprehension of people vary considerably on individual basis. One viable explanation for this could be that the person who could grasp things better would have learned and understood things in his earlier life..
Of course , there is no proof for it..

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