Saturday, April 04, 2020

all pervading Rudra

यो रुद्रो अग्नौ यो अफ्सु य ओषधीषु यो रुद्रो विश्वा भुवनाविवेश तस्मै रुद्राय नमो अस्तु॥
कृष्ण यजुर्वेदे
yo rudro agnau yo aphsu ya oṣadhīṣu yo rudro viśvā bhuvanāviveśa tasmai rudrāya namo astu||
kṛṣṇa yajurvede

Pranams to that Rudra the Shankara

who has entered and resides in fire

who has entered and resides in waters

who has entered and resides in all medicinal herbs

who has entered and resides in the whole universe.

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