Monday, April 06, 2020

in full strength to be a nuisance

अतिमलिने कर्तव्ये भवति खलानामतीव निपुणता।
तिमिरे हि कौशिकानां रूपं प्रतिपद्यते चक्षुः॥
सुभाषितमञ्जरी ५-४
कादंबरी पूर्वभागे
सुबन्धुविरचिते वासवदत्तायाम्॥
atimaline kartavye bhavati khalānāmatīva nipuṇatā|
timire hi kauśikānāṁ rūpaṁ pratipadyate cakṣuḥ||
subhāṣitamañjarī 5-4
kādaṁbarī pūrvabhāge
subandhuviracite vāsavadattāyām||

People of evil mind have extra efficiency when engaged in destructive and dirty work..

The quote above from many texts.. prominent among them, Banabhattas Kadambari, Subandhus Vasavadatta, Subhashita manjari, Subhashita ratna kosha and so on
( This is a case where the sloka which was in circulation as a popular adage has been used in their work by many authors according to the context occurring in their stories )

The meaning of the Sloka is
When some very dirty task is to be executed, the cruel and evil people assume extra efficiency to perform such work
The owls could get a clear perception of things around it only in pitch darkness since its eyesight become acute then alone and enables it to perceive the forms of the things around in great clarity..

Normally good people would be enthusiastic when they are entrusted with tasks which will be of great benefit to one an all..
But people with evil and perverted mind get the kicks only when dirty tasks are assigned to them.. This is known as Sadism.

Normal living beings gain more and more eyesight as the light increases.. But owls would see clearly only in darkness..

Owls are somehow ad libbed with evil in almost all societies.. Apart from their fearsome eyes, are they really that bad..? we do not know.. Owl is a nocturnal bird.. So it has to see in darkness or in limited light if they have to move around, catch prey and survive..

(Sadism is a type of behaviour in which a person obtains pleasure from hurting other people and making them suffer physically or mentally.)

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