Saturday, April 04, 2020

never go slow on personal exertion..

न दैवं अपि सञ्चिन्त्य त्यजेत् उद्योगमात्मनः।
अनुद्योगेन तैलानि तिलेभ्यो नाप्तुमर्हति॥
na daivaṁ api sañcintya tyajet udyogamātmanaḥ|
anudyogena tailāni tilebhyo nāptumarhati||

A serious warning against fatalism and laziness.. from Narayana kavi's Hitopadesham

One should never give up his own enthusiastic attempts in reaching his target by thinking that the matters of life are controlled by fate.
Even if one has a huge stock of sesame or til, and if he is not making any attempts to crush them and gain oil, he will never get oil.. Sitting idle over bagfuls of sesame would be of no use..

Often luck or material circumstances put people either in affluence or in tight spots..
If one sits over the patch of good fortune and enjoys thinking that such state of affairs is a gift from god or fate, and lives on without any thoughts of the future, sooner or later realities of life would overtake him..
Alternately if one is encountering a bad patch in life , and accepts such fall in fortune as caused by fate.. and does nothing to improve.. then he is lost for ever..Any amount of luck visiting him later would not substitute for the time and energy he has lost in crying and fretting..

Every journey will end.. That is the law of nature.. And the path we negotiate would be tough most of the time.. If we keep quiet and expect fate to act... we would be losing even small battles even before the swords are drawn..

It is just our choice..

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