Monday, April 06, 2020

Our desires and expectations make us miserable for ever.

खलालापाः सोढाः कथमपि तदाराधनपरै-
र्निगृह्यान्तर्बाष्पं हसितमपि शून्येन मनसा।
कृतो वित्तस्तम्भप्रतिहतधियामञ्जलिरपि
त्वमाशे मोघाशेकिमप्रमतो नर्तयति माम्॥
भर्तृहरेः वैराग्यशतके॥
khalālāpāḥ soḍhāḥ kathamapi tadārādhanaparai-
rnigṛhyāntarbāṣpaṁ hasitamapi śūnyena manasā|
kṛto vittastambhapratihatadhiyāmañjalirapi
tvamāśe moghāśekimapramato nartayati mām||
bhartṛhareḥ vairāgyaśatake||

A great Slokam from the Vairaghyashatakam of the philosopher poet king Bhartruharai.

Our desires and expectations make us look like pathetic clowns dancing before cruel and inconsiderate people who wield power 
( The slokam is addressed to the trait "desire" itself)
While serving the evil minded masters and bosses, I have silently suffered and tolerated their vile abuses and accusations.

I have suffered such insults quietly checking the tears of agony flowing like a torrent inside me

I have endured quietly with emptied mind, their loud laughter signifying insult and lack of concern fpr the servant

I have managed to join my hands in supplication and seeking favours in front of persons whose minds and intellects have been stunted and sullied through possession and enjoyment of excessive wealth they have,

You, my desire, and expectation,
you the desire and expectations arising within me in vain,
why are you making me the poor and innocent fellow, to dance like this?

Just to survived and to be in the good books of bosses and potential benefactors, we take all insults from them, we praise them even whenn they are idiots, we check out tears and emotions, and we even sing and dance to get favours..
And often in spite of all suffering and insults, we may be driven away empty handed and bruised..
What a pity..
Our desires and expectations make us miserable for ever.

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