Monday, April 06, 2020

Vairagya dindimam

शङ्कराचार्यविरचितं वैराग्य डिण्डिमम्
Vairagya dindimam

The clarion call..for renunciation..
Wake up, keep awake

by Shankara BagavadpadaaH..
माता नास्ति पिता नास्ति नास्ति बन्धुः सहोदरः।
अर्थं नास्ति गृहं नास्ति तस्मात् जाग्रत जाग्रत॥१
जन्म दुःखं जरा दुःखं जाया दुःखं पुनः पुनः।
संसारसागरं दुःखं तस्मात् जाग्रत जाग्रत॥२
कामः क्रोधश्च लोभश्च देहे तिष्ठन्ति तस्कराः।
ज्ञानरत्नापहाराय तस्मात् जाग्रत जाग्रत॥३
आशया बध्यते जन्तुः कर्मणा बहुचिन्तया।
आयुः क्षीणं न जानाति तस्मात् जाग्रत जाग्रत॥४
क्षणं वित्तं क्षणं चित्तं क्षणं जीवितमावयोः।
यमस्य कर्णा नास्ति तस्मात् जाग्रत जाग्रत॥५
यावत् कालं भवेत् कर्म तावत् तिष्ठन्ति जन्तवः।
तस्मिन् क्षीणे विनश्यन्ति तस्मात् जाग्रत जाग्रत॥६
ऋणानुबन्धरूपेण पशुपत्निसुतादयः।
ऋणक्षये क्षयं यान्ति तस्मात् जाग्रत जाग्रत॥७
संपदः स्वप्नसङ्ख़ाशाः यौवनं कुसुमोपमं।
विद्युत् चञ्चलं आयुष्यं तस्मात् जाग्रत जाग्रत॥८
पक्वानि तरुपर्णानि पतन्ति क्रमशो यथा।
तथैव जन्तवः काले तत्र का परिदेवना॥९
एकवृक्षसमारूढाः नानाजाति विहङ्गमाः।
प्रभाते क्रमशो यान्ति तत्र का परिदेवना॥१०
śaṅkarācāryaviracitaṁ vairāgya ḍiṇḍimam
mātā nāsti pitā nāsti nāsti bandhuḥ sahodaraḥ|
arthaṁ nāsti gṛhaṁ nāsti tasmāt jāgrata jāgrata||1
janma duḥkhaṁ jarā duḥkhaṁ jāyā duḥkhaṁ punaḥ punaḥ|
saṁsārasāgaraṁ duḥkhaṁ tasmāt jāgrata jāgrata||2
kāmaḥ krodhaśca lobhaśca dehe tiṣṭhanti taskarāḥ|
jñānaratnāpahārāya tasmāt jāgrata jāgrata||3
āśayā badhyate jantuḥ karmaṇā bahucintayā|
āyuḥ kṣīṇaṁ na jānāti tasmāt jāgrata jāgrata||4
kṣaṇaṁ vittaṁ kṣaṇaṁ cittaṁ kṣaṇaṁ jīvitamāvayoḥ|
yamasya karṇā nāsti tasmāt jāgrata jāgrata||5
yāvat kālaṁ bhavet karma tāvat tiṣṭhanti jantavaḥ|
tasmin kṣīṇe vinaśyanti tasmāt jāgrata jāgrata||6
ṛṇānubandharūpeṇa paśupatnisutādayaḥ|
ṛṇakṣaye kṣayaṁ yānti tasmāt jāgrata jāgrata||7
saṁpadaḥ svapnasaṅāśāḥ yauvanaṁ kusumopamaṁ|
vidyut cañcalaṁ āyuṣyaṁ tasmāt jāgrata jāgrata||8
pakvāni taruparṇāni patanti kramaśo yathā|
tathaiva jantavaḥ kāle tatra kā paridevanā||9
ekavṛkṣasamārūḍhāḥ nānājāti vihaṅgamāḥ|
prabhāte kramaśo yānti tatra kā paridevanā||10

1 Your mother will not be with you eternally, nor your father
Your relatives will not give you company for ever nor your brothers
Your wealth might get depleted, you may become homeless,

So be aware of these facts and wake up, Oh man, and keep alert.

2. Your birth is filled with sorrow.
Your sorrow gets worse as you are caught by old age..
And the responsibilities of a family life with your wife can bring sorrow again and again
The ocean of life of worldly woes is filled to the brim with sorrow..

So be aware of these facts and wake up, Oh man, and keep alert.

3. To burgle away the gem of knowledge and discretion earned by you, the wily thieves lust, rage and avariciousness are lurking around you biding for their time.

So be aware of these facts and wake up, Oh man and keep alert.

4. The living animal you are, you are bound by desires and expectations, your are bound by your past deeds or karmas, you are cowed down by worries and stress, and you are not really aware of the fact that your life and longevity are getting depleted.

So be aware of these facts and wake up, Oh man, and keep alert.

5. Your money, earned over long periods can get depleted within a small moment,
your stability of mind can tumble and you can lose balance of mind within a short time,
and our earthly lives are too temporary and can cease in a moment.

So be aware of these facts and wake up, Oh man, and keep alert.

6. As long as it is necessary for the living being to wear off his Karmas, he lives in this world..
Once the the effects of past deeds or Karmas are over, he is called back and faces destruction and removal from this world

So be aware of these facts and wake up, Oh man, and keep alert.

7. The cattle, wives, offspring are all attached to you as if they are appendages or annexures to your debt of Karma or past deeds.
Once your Karma is over, the debt is also cleared off and they becocme non existent in your life.

So be aware of these facts and wake up, Oh man, and keep alert.

8 Your wealth and money are unreal like dream.
It can just disappear when you wake up to reality..
Your youth is just like a flower which blooms for a day and then shrinks and fades for ever.
Your life is just like a flash which happens similar to the eruption of a lighting and a thunderbolt.

So be aware of these facts and wake up, Oh man, and keep alert.

9. The yellowed leaves of a tree fall down from the tree in the course of time..
Just like that living beings also fall down and die as time takes its course..
There is little that we can do about it by getting worried.

10.Birds of various types and various feathers, gather around the same branches of a tree overnight, but when the morning comes, all of them fly away in different directions..
Life of people too is like that.
There little that we can do about it by getting worried.

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