Thursday, May 28, 2020

musings 128

Happened to read a post on family reunions and get togethers happening through social media contacts.
But I feel the issue is deeper
My comments..

Nice.. But a mild rejoinder...these are just external manifestations of mutual warmth..
And often we tend to feel such warmth for short times .
.I would call it short range goodwill..based on some messages or an emotional conversation.
But such warmth must be nurtured and kept vibrant for ever.
It is not difficult.
In fact everyone would respond with equal warmth.
Usually the first step is all that is necessary.
Someone should initiate that

However I am aware that in Hindu culture there is a compulsory dictum that relatives of certain levels should all assemble together if some family or social functions are to be conducted..each person having a role to play. The relationship is the test And not personal equation or familiarity or fondness.
And if something unfortunate happens to anyone among such kin all celebrations should stop for all others too.

And in this matter the present closeness in terms of relationship is not a criterion at all.
Even if a brother of his offspring is not in talking terms with me for years, still I cannot have a happy function at home if that estranged brother or kin has faced some fatal disaster.

Blood is always blood.

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