Thursday, July 16, 2020

sri hanumat stotram

॥श्री हनूमत् स्तोत्रम्॥ 

सर्वारिष्टनिवारकं शुभकरं पिङ्गाक्षमक्षापहम् 

सीतान्वेषणतत्परं कपिवरं कोटीन्दुसूर्यप्रभम्। 

लङ्काद्वीपभयङ्करं सकलदं सुग्रीवसम्मानितम् 

देवेन्द्रादिसमस्तदेवविनुतं काकुत्स्थदूतं भजे॥ 

ख्यातः श्रीरामदूतः पवनतनुभवः पिङ्गळाक्षः शिखावान्। 

सीता शोकापहारी दशमुखविजयी लक्ष्मणप्राणदाता॥ 

आनेता भेषजाद्रेः लवणजलनिधेः लङ्घने दीक्षितो यः। 

वीरः श्रीमान् हनूमान् मम मनसि विलसन् कार्यसिद्धिम् तनोतु॥ 

मनोजवं मारुततुल्यवेगं जितेन्द्रियं बुद्धिमतां वरिष्ठम्। 

वातात्मजं वानर यूथमुख्यं श्रीरामदूतं शिरसा नमामि॥ 

बुद्धिर्ब्बलं यशो धैर्यं निर्भयत्वं अरोगता। 

अजाड्यं वाक्पटुत्वं च हनूमत् स्मरणात् भवेत्॥
॥śrī hanūmat stotram॥ 

sarvāriṣṭanivārakaṃ śubhakaraṃ piṅgākṣamakṣāpaham 

sītānveṣaṇatatparaṃ kapivaraṃ koṭīndusūryaprabham। 

laṅkādvīpabhayaṅkaraṃ sakaladaṃ sugrīvasammānitam 

devendrādisamastadevavinutaṃ kākutsthadūtaṃ bhaje॥ 

khyātaḥ śrīrāmadūtaḥ pavanatanubhavaḥ piṅgaḻākṣaḥ śikhāvān। 

sītā śokāpahārī daśamukhavijayī lakṣmaṇaprāṇadātā॥ 

ānetā bheṣajādreḥ lavaṇajalanidheḥ laṅghane dīkṣito yaḥ। 

vīraḥ śrīmān hanūmān mama manasi vilasan kāryasiddhim tanotu॥ 

manojavaṃ mārutatulyavegaṃ jitendriyaṃ buddhimatāṃ variṣṭham। 

vātātmajaṃ vānara yūthamukhyaṃ śrīrāmadūtaṃ śirasā namāmi॥ 

buddhirbbalaṃ yaśo dhairyaṃ nirbhayatvaṃ arogatā। 

ajāḍyaṃ vākpaṭutvaṃ ca hanūmat smaraṇāt bhavet॥Prayers to Lord Hanuman 

॥ശ്രീ ഹനൂമത് സ്തോത്രം॥ 

സര്‍വ്വാരിഷ്ടനിവാരകം ശുഭകരം പിംഗാക്ഷമക്ഷാപഹം 

സീതാന്വേഷണതത്പരം കപിവരം കോടീന്ദുസൂര്യപ്രഭം। 

ലങ്കാദ്വീപഭയങ്കരം സകലദം സുഗ്രീവസമ്മാനിതം 

ദേവേന്ദ്രാദിസമസ്തദേവവിനുതം കാകുത്സ്ഥദൂതം ഭജേ॥ 

ഖ്യാതഃ ശ്രീരാമദൂതഃ പവനതനുഭവഃ പിംഗളാക്ഷഃ ശിഖാവാന്‍। 

സീതാ ശോകാപഹാരീ ദശമുഖവിജയീ ലക്ഷ്മണപ്രാണദാതാ॥ 

ആനേതാ ഭേഷജാദ്രേഃ ലവണജലനിധേഃ ലംഘനേ ദീക്ഷിതോ യഃ। 

വീരഃ ശ്രീമാന്‍ ഹനൂമാന്‍ മമ മനസി വിലസന്‍ കാര്യസിദ്ധിം തനോതു॥ 

മനോജവം മാരുതതുല്യവേഗം ജിതേന്ദ്രിയം ബുദ്ധിമതാം വരിഷ്ഠം। 

വാതാത്മജം വാനര യൂഥമുഖ്യം ശ്രീരാമദൂതം ശിരസാ നമാമി॥ 

ബുദ്ധിര്‍ബ്ബലം യശോ ധൈര്യം നിര്‍ഭയത്വം അരോഗതാ। 

അജാഡ്യം വാക്പടുത്വം ച ഹനൂമത് സ്മരണാത് ഭവേത്॥

(free translations of the above four slokas)
1 -- I worship the emissary of Srirama (Kaakutsa), Sriman Hanuaman 

Who removes all the ill effects of our bad deeds,
who endows us with all that is beneficial to us,
who is having tawny red eyes,
who is the slayer of Akshakumara (the Son of Ravana),
who eagerly particiapated with succes in the search of Mata Seeta abducted by Ravana,
who is the foremost among the monkeys,
who is shining forth with the lustre of crores of suns and moons,
who was a terror to the island of Lanka,
who in his mercy, gives everything to us,
who is treated with great respect by his king Sugreeva
who is praised by all celestial beings including Indra himself.. 

2-- May that resplendent, glorious, and valorous Lord Hanuman 

who is of great renown, who is the emissary of Sri Rama,
who is the son of the wind God, who is having tawny red eyes,
who sports abundant tuft of hair, who is the remover of all grief of Matha Seeta,
who is the vanquisher of the ten headed Ravana,
who gave life once again to Lakshmana (by bringing Mritasaneevani),
who lifted and carried to Lanka the mountain which contained the herb (mritasanjeevani),
who expertly jumped over the vast expanse of the Souther Salt Sea.. 

shine forth in my mind and bring success to all my attempts.. 

3.-- I pay my respects with bowed head to that emissary of Srirama, Lord Hanuman
Who is of very intense and acute intellect,
who equals the wind itself in his speed,
who has complete master over his own sense organs,
who is the foremost among the wise,
who is the son of wind god, and
who is the foremost among the militia of monkeys, 

4. --If we meditate upon Lord Hanuman
we will attain
great intellect, physical strength, great fame, bravery,
absence or fear, of physical maladies, of dullness of mind,
and further, we would gain excellent faculties of oratory..

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