Monday, June 28, 2021

Half baked interpretations are lethal.. inadequate knowledge can be murderous.

A religion and its cardinal principles and ideas that form its foundation evolve over thousands of years, as a product of very deep faith, dedication and abiding love exhibited by its sincere followers..
Religion, and most often its central theme..God,, are too sacred and sacrosanct..
I was guilty of very partial knowledge coupled with the abundance of arrogance of the know-all which comes only to the half baked or rather rotten mind..
The religion I follow, is also definitely as great as any other faith
.. Like so many so called learned persons, I too indulged in reading some minor part of scripture relating to the faith, and understood most of it in the wrong way, and compounded my guilt of ignorance by interpreting even those limited pieces glanced over by me in the most clumsy way..
The ghatsly result of that action stares at me...
I am looking face to face with my religion and am finding it completely mutilated and injured by my discussions and careless injuries inflicted through indiscretion by me, and am shocked beyond reason, even unable to mumble my apologies.
Thank God, I am not a scholar or a Pundit of the religion, and so I have never been in a position to cause injuries which would be noted and be further complicated by anyone and all..
But I think it is time that I drilled in some reason into my thick skull.. and realize that language is only a vehicle, and ultimately, the content alone counts.. and pollution of the environments with wrong and misconceived ideas deserve even greater contempt than that bestowed upon the action of filling the public places with litter and waste..
A movement to spread the idea of a clean mind is also relevant.
That would be the real swatchata andolan

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