Sunday, June 27, 2021

Inviting trouble with outstretched hands...


Inviting trouble with outstretched hands...


दरिद्रत्वे द्विभार्यत्वं पथिक्षेत्रं कृषिद्वयं।

प्रातिभाव्यं च साक्ष्यं च पञ्चानर्थाः स्वयं कृताः॥


daridratve dvibhāryatvaṁ pathikṣetraṁ kṛṣidvayaṁ|

prātibhāvyaṁ ca sākṣyaṁ ca pañcānarthāḥ svayaṁ kṛtāḥ||


A gem from neetisaaram..

Sometimes people choose deep trouble for themselves and the following are five such situations.

1.. Having two wives when one is utterly poor

2. Purchasing or building house on the roadside.

3. Engaging in agricultural activity in two distant places simultaneously.

4. Volunteering to stand surety for someone

5. Being witness in a litigation

It is not known whether one can have two wives if he is affluent..

However the idea of having two wives appears to be ominous for anybody, rich or poor.

A house on the roadside can be target for poachers, thieves and accidents..

Such house will attract more guests and visitors and this can also prove difficult at times.

Agriculture for anyone is an activity engaging his uninterrupted attention for long periods,

and if he has to have crops in two different places,

he would not be able to manage them simultaneously and would attract loss and disaster.

Standing surety can be the most dangerous thing..

If one incurs personal liabilities by way of loan he will at least know where he stands..

But when he signs for someone else, he places himself at the whims and fancy of someone else

and any foolish action or misfortune befalling a third party can cause havoc to the guarantor as well unexpectedly.

And officiating witness in a litigation is a sureshot way of gaining permanent enmity of one of the litigants

And matrimony twice,

selection of house-plot

or agricultural land at wrong stations

and standing surety

or going as witness


all activities which one can choose for

himself and accordingly face the music too..

Sure he can avoid such things if he is vigilant ..

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