Saturday, June 26, 2021

Kalasha, Shankha, Atma and PeeTa poojaas..


Kalasha, Shankha, Atma and PeeTa poojaas..

Kalasha Pooja

While doing pooja (worship of God) today I was just thinking over the reverential prayers we offer to the water and the even the pot of water ..

I think our people always realized the vital importance of the wholeness and unity of our India and her lifelines, the rivers..

A man in Kerala, or Tamilnadu or in the North offers prayers to all the rivers and water sources spread over the vast Indian subcontinent, and requests all those holy waters to be present in the water we use to offer pooja to the Lord..

I thought I should share the mantrams with meanings just as a reminder..
The water pot is first filled with clean water.. and if possible water consecrated with chanting of Pavamana Sooktham or Punyaahavavachanam..
The pot is decorated with Sandal paste.. Flowers or thulasi leaves are offered.
Everyone who has performed poojas or watched poojas would have already heard these mantrams..

गङ्गायै नमः यमुनायै नमः गोदावर्यै नमः सरस्वत्यै नमः नर्मदायै नमः सिन्धवे नमः कावेर्यै नमः

gaṅgāyai namaḥ yamunāyai namaḥ godāvaryai namaḥ sarasvatyai namaḥ narmadāyai namaḥ sindhave namaḥ kāveryai namaḥ

Pranams to Ganga, Pranams to Yamuna, Pranams to Godavaree, Pranams to Saraswathi, Pranams to Narmda, Pranams to Sindhu, Pranams to Kaveri

आपो वा इदग्ँ सर्वं विश्वाभूतान्यापः
प्राणा वा आपः पशवः आपः अन्नमापः।
अमृतमापः च्छन्दाग्ँस्याप ज्योतीग्ँष्याप
यजूग्ँष्याप सत्यमाप सर्वा देवता आपः॥
ॐ भूर्भुवस्सुवराप ॐ श्री केशवाय नमः

āpo vā idagm sarvaṁ viśvābhūtānyāpaḥ
prāṇā vā āpaḥ paśavaḥ āpaḥ annamāpaḥ|
amṛtamāpaḥ cchandāgmsyāpa jyotīgmṣyāpa
yajūgmṣyāpa satyamāpa sarvā devatā āpaḥ ||
om bhūrbhuvassuvarāpa om śrī keśavāya namaḥ

All that is found in this world has origin in water, whatever is manifest as universe is water, water is the life-breath in us , all living beings are manifested in water, food is emanating from water, water is ambrosia (nectar) , water forms the vedas (chandaas) , water is the energy found in light, water is the yajus, water is the truth, all gods are manifested in water--
Om, I invoke water in the three worlds bhoo, bhuva and suvaH... OM I prostrate before the God with copious hair, kesava, the Lord Krishna

कलशस्य मुखे विष्णुः कण्ठे रुद्रः समाश्रितः।
मूले तत्र स्थितो ब्रह्मा मध्ये मातृगणाः स्मृताः॥
कुक्षौ तु सागराः सर्वे सप्तद्वीपा वसुन्धरा
ऋग्वेदो अथ यजुर्वेदः सामवेदोऽप्यथर्वणः
अङ्गैश्च सहिताः सर्वे कलशाम्भुसमाश्रिताः॥
गङ्गे च यमुने चैव गोदावरि सरस्वती
नर्मदे सिन्धु कावेरि जलेऽस्मिन् सन्निधिम् कुरु।
सर्वे समुद्राः सरितः तीर्थानि च ह्रदा नदः।
आयान्तु शिवपूजर्थम् दुरितक्षयकारकाः॥

kalaśasya mukhe viṣṇuḥ kaṇṭhe rudraḥ samāśritaḥ |
mūle tatra sthito brahmā madhye mātṛgaṇāḥ smṛtāḥ ||
kukṣau tu sāgarāḥ sarve saptadvīpā vasundharā
ṛgvedo atha yajurvedaḥ sāmavedo'pyatharvaṇaḥ
aṅgaiśca sahitāḥ sarve kalaśāmbhusamāśritāḥ||
gaṅge ca yamune caiva godāvari sarasvatī
narmade sindhu kāveri jale'smin sannidhim kuru|
sarve samudrāḥ saritaḥ tīrthāni ca hradā nadaḥ|
āyāntu śivapūjartham duritakṣayakārakāḥ||

Lord Vishnu resides on the face of this water pot,
Lord Rudra is present in its neck,
Lord Brahma is present at its base
and the Divine Mothers are there in the whole body of the holy pitcher of water
All the oceans are present in its belly region, along with Vasundhara the Mother Earth with all Her seven continents (Islands).

In the waters contained in the Kalasha or pot, all the four Vedas Rik, Yajur, Saman and Atharva with all their ancillary parts are present.

Mothers Ganga, Yamuna, Godavari, Sarasvati, Narmada, Sindhu, Kaveri, may you all be seated in your glorious presence here in this waterpot.

May all the seas, brooks, sources of holy waters, rivers flowing from east to west, and rivers flowing from west to east, who are all capable of removing all our sins and hardships,
manifest here to enable me to offer pooja to Lord Shiva ( Or Vishnu or any deity as the case may be,)

In fact, it should be a universal prayer.. we see no traces of any particular religions here..

Then we sprinkle waters from Kalasham on all pooja materials and on the idols of the Deities too.. We sprinkile ourselves too for purity,,


Shankha Pooja..

Worship of the Conch or Shankha as a prelude to worship of Gods..

The pooja is done to Shankha the Conch.. which is honoured as the Panchajanya held by Lord Narayana himself, as a prelude to pooja to deities daily..This is Shankha Pooja.. After Kalasha pooja and before Atma and Peetha pooja.
The pooja for Kalasham or water pot has already been discussed.
The Atma pooja and Peetha pooja too have already been discussed..
The Conch should be washed with water from the Kalasham chanting gayatri mantram
Then it should be filled to fullness again chanting Gayatri mantram.
Then we should offer floral archana to the Conch..
Shankhaaya namaH,,शङ्खाय नमः
Chakraaya NamaH चक्राय नमः
Paanchajanyaaya NamaH.. पाञ्चजन्याय नमः.
( it is ideal to use Tulasi leaves for this pooja .. because that is dearest to lord Vishnu.)

शङ्खमूले ब्रह्मणे नमः॥
śaṅkhamūle brahmaṇe namaḥ||
Pranams to the tip of the Shankha.. where Brahmadeva is present
शङ्खमध्ये जनार्द्दनाय नमः॥
śaṅkhamadhye janārddanāya namaḥ||
Pranams to the body of the Shankha where Janardhana, the lord Narayana is present
शङ्काग्रे चन्द्रशेखराय नमः।
śaṅkāgre candraśekharāya namaḥ|
Pranams to the upper edge of the Shanka.. where Lord Shiva who has kept the moon in his matted lock, is present.
Prayer with the following mantrasa..

शङ्खं चन्द्रार्क दैवत्यं मध्ये वरुण संयुतम्।
पृष्टे प्रजापतिश्चैर्व अग्रे गङ्गा सरस्वती।
śaṅkhaṁ candrārka daivatyaṁ madhye varuṇa saṁyutam|
pṛṣṭe prajāpatiścairva agre gaṅgā sarasvatī|
Pranams to Shankha, which is the abode of all deities like Sun and Moon, in whose middle is present Varuna, in whose rear is present Prajapati, and in whose outlet edge is present rivers Ganga and Saraswathi.

त्रैलोक्ये यानि तीर्थानि वासुदेवस्य चाज्ञया।
शङ्खे तिष्ठन्ति विप्रेन्द्राः तस्मात् शङ्खं प्रपूजयेत्॥
trailokye yāni tīrthāni vāsudevasya cājñayā|
śaṅkhe tiṣṭhanti viprendrāḥ tasmāt śaṅkhaṁ prapūjayet||

Oh best among learned people, by the orders of Krishna the lord Vaasudeva, all the holy waters which flow anywhere in the three worlds are present in the Conch.. Therefore it is best for you to offer worship to Shankha.. the conch.

त्वं पुरा सागरोत्पन्नः विष्णुना विधृतः करे।
पूजितः सर्वदेवैश्च पाञ्चजन्य नमऽस्तु ते॥
tvaṁ purā sāgarotpannaḥ viṣṇunā vidhṛtaḥ kare|
pūjitaḥ sarvadevaiśca pāñcajanya namao'stu te||

Oh Panchajanya, the Shankha, you took birth in the ocean in olden days, and you are held in the hands of Lord Vishnu. You are worshipped with reverence by all gods. My pranams to you.

गर्भा देवारि नारीणाम् विशीर्यन्ते सहस्रधा।
तव नादेन पाताळे पाञ्चजन्य नमोऽस्तु ते॥
garbhā devāri nārīṇām viśīryante sahasradhā|
tava nādena pātāḻe pāñcajanya namo'stu te||

The demons present even in the wombs of the demonesses in Paataala get annihilated when your sound is heard.. Therefore my pranams to you.

पाञ्चजन्याय विद्महे पावमानाय धीमहि तन्नः शङ्खः प्रचोदयात्॥
pāñcajanyāya vidmahe pāvamānāya dhīmahi tannaḥ śaṅkhaḥ pracodayāt||
(This is also called Shankha Gayatri)
We understand you, Conch, as Panchajanya,
we contemplate on you as the greatest purifier,
and therefore may you the conch kindle our strenghts and capabilities.

Then prayer to Panchajanya as agni too.. from Krishanyajurvedam.. as given below.. .. with this mantram, we pour back some of the consecrated water from the Conch, to the Kalasham..
and then sprinkle the waters from the conch on all the pooja materials and the idols of the deities too.
Prayer to Agni for removal of Sins...

अग्नेर्मन्वे प्रथमस्य प्रचेतसः यं पाञ्चजन्यम् बहवस्समिन्धते।
विश्वस्यां दिवि विविशिवांसमीमहे स नो मुन्चत्वग्ंहसः॥
तैत्तिरीयप्रपाठके ॥ अपि च अथर्ववेदे
agnermanve prathamasya pracetasaḥ yaṁ pāñcajanyam bahavassamindhate|
viśvasyāṁ divi viviśivāṁsamīmahe sa no muncatvagṁhasaḥ||
taittirīyaprapāṭaka|| api ca atharvavede

Oh Agni, who is kindled to supreme vigour( by offerings of twigs and ghee etc,)
you the great one of Supreme vitality,
you, whom we praise as Paanchajanya,
Oh Agni who is spread all over this universe,
we make this prayer to you. with humble prostrations
May you be pleased to annihilate our sins and relieve us of all that is not good..

We see the word Panchajanya in this mantram.. and the holy Conch which we use in pooja comes to our mind.. So we chant this mantram when offering pooja to the Shankham.. relating the word Panchajanya to the Shankham.. as Lord Narayana holds in his hand a conch by name Panchajanya..

Panchajanya is the shell of a demon by that name whom Krishna defeated in the famous Santhanagopalam episode..

In Bagavat Gita first chapter we find Krishna blowing the conch Panchajanyam..
Paanchajanyam Hrisheekesho....

But the real mening of Panchajanya is Agni or the Lord of Fire.

He is called Panchajanya because he manifest in five forms.. In devayajna, pitru yajna, bhutayajna, manushyayajna and brahmayajna..
He is manifest in Panchabhoothas, Panchavarnas and so on..

This is a mantram in daily use..
Found in Krishna Yajurveda Taittireeya school.. and also in Atharvaveda in a slightly altered form..

At the conclusion of the pooja, the holy waters from the conch are sprinkled on the one who performs the pooja, as also on all who are assembled for the pooja..

The prokshana or sprinkling mantram is from the famous Salagrama Stotram..

शङ्खमध्ये स्थितं तोयं भ्रामितं केशवोपरि।
अङ्गलग्नं मनुष्याणाम् ब्रह्महत्यायुधं दहेत्॥
śaṅkhamadhye sthitaṁ toyaṁ bhrāmitaṁ keśavopari|
aṅgalagnaṁ manuṣyāṇām brahmahatyāyudhaṁ dahet||

The waters which stand in the innards of the Conch, which have been partially sprinkled on the sacred person of Lord Keshava the Hari Himself, would burn off even the weapons which are stuck in the bodies of the devoties.. even if the weapons have been stuck to punishe the sin of Brahmahatya… the killing of the learned persons..


Aatma Pooja
During formal worship of God. the Hindu way.


Before formally offering worship the Hindu way, we offer worship to the waterpot, the conch, to the worshipper.. the atma himself, the seat of the Deity etc..

I have discussed the worship of the waterpot, the conch, and the Pita or the seat of the deity, already in different posts..

Equally important is the consecrationn and purification of the noble spirit or atma within oneself before embarking of the pooja.

This process is called Atma pooja.

Of course, we take bath, wear neat and clean clothes
and perform the nityakarmas
like Sandhyavandanam and Agnikaryam like Aupasanam.. or Agnihotram of Samdaadhaanam or any other ritual as applicable,
and seat ourself in the appropriate posture for worship..
We ring the bell,
we invoke Lord Ganesha..
We can purify the water being used for worship and abhishekam through chanting of Pavamanasuktham, altrnately caleed Punyahavachanam.
Then we offer pooja to the water pot Kalasha, and the conch, Shankha..
The we do pooja to the vital spirit within us

आत्मने नमः दिव्यगन्धान् धारयामि
ātmane namaḥ divyagandhān dhārayāmi
Pranams to my own vital Spirit. I offer Sandal past to that.

We apply sandal paste on various parts of the body from forehead..
Then we offer mantras or flower archan as below.

आत्मने नमः ātmane namaḥ
Pranams to the vital spirit in me

अन्तरात्मने नमःantarātmane namaḥ
pranams to the spirit that circulates within me and keeps me steady and thriving

योगात्मने नमः yogātmane namaḥ
pranams to the yogis spirit which balances the physical, spiritual and divine vital presence
in me

जीवात्मने नमःjīvātmane namaḥ
Pranams to the spirit inside me which sustains me in five vital forms Prana, Apana. Vyana, Udhana and Samana

परमात्मने नमः paramātmane namaḥ
Pranams to the Supreme spirit that resides me as Brahmam itself
ज्ञानात्मने नमः jñānātmane namaḥ
Pranams to the spirit that resides withing me as the sum and substance of my cognitions and knowledge

अग्निहोत्रात्मने नमः agnihotrātmane namaḥ
Pranams to the spirit that sustains me in the shape of Agnihotra.. the oblations to the fire

शुद्धात्मने नमः śuddhātmane namaḥ
Pranams to the blemishless pure spirit in me or that is me.

समस्तोपचारान् समर्पयामि
samastopacārān samarpayāmi
I offer all and complet worship with all ritual to this atma or spirit within me or the spirit that is me.

Then prayer
देहो जीवालयः प्रोक्तः जीवो देवः सनातनः
त्यजेत् अज्ञाननिर्माल्यं सोऽहं भावेन पूजयेत्
deho jīvālayaḥ proktaḥ jīvo devaḥ sanātanaḥ
tyajet ajñānanirmālyaṁ so'haṁ bhāvena pūjayet

This my body is the house of my vitality and life..
And that vitality is the eternal God Himself

May I throw away or abandon the blemishes of ajnana or ignorance, and may I worship the spirit imbibing that spirit that He is Me.. SaH Aham.. that supreme being is present in me.. we are the one.

Then we chant Pranavam and /or Hamsa Gayatri..
The number of chants can vary from 16 onwards.. the purpose is to ensure that we feel the purity and calmness making us fit for the worship of the Deity


Peeta puja..
worship of the seat of God..


while performing pooja or offering worship to deities in the Hindu way, we sanctify with prayer and praise every article of worship..

The pitcher in which water is carried for pooja and abhishekam, or Kalasham is offered pooja first..
This is called Kalasha Pooja
The conch which too carries sacred water during the whole of the pooja is then worshipped.
This is called Shankha pooja
The self or the Individual atma or the one who is dooing pooja is offered respectful worship..
This is called Atma pooja
Then the premises where the idol is stationed, the whole earth, the pedestal, the ornamental structure, are all offered worship..
This is called Peeta Pooja..
The mantras for Peeta pooja are given below
ॐ गुं गुरुभ्यो नमःom guṁ gurubhyo namaḥ respects to the Guru or preceptor who initiated us to the methods of this pooja ( Gum is a beeja mantra.. which is beyond the scope of an open discussion.. so also, gam, pam sam )
गं गणपतये नमःgaṁ gaṇapataye namaḥ pranams to the lord Ganapathy.. who is the Lord of Moolaadhara... the portion which forms the foundation or seat of everything.. Ganapathi alternately is the leader of the cluster of Gods or Demi Gods
पं परमात्मने नमः paṁ paramātmane namaḥ pranams to the Universal Soul the Supreme Lord who is present in all chethana and achethana.. movable or immovable things..
सं सरस्वत्यै नमःsaṁ sarasvatyai namaḥ Pranams to the Devata of words and knowledge Saraswathi.. alternately the antarvahini river Saraswathi.. the mother who flows along with Ganga and Yamuna
आधारशक्त्यै नमः मूलप्रकृत्यैः नमः ādhāraśaktyai namaḥ mūlaprakṛtyaiḥ namaḥ
Pranams to Adharasakthi and moolaprakriti ..
aadhaarashakti and moolaprakriti are yoga and Sankhya terms.. which combined together
they form the foundations or seats for everything. called . the Mooladhara ..
the Mooladhara chakra in placed at the bottom of spine in the human body.. and similar place of seating for the deities too.
आदिकूर्माय नमः ādikūrmāya namaḥ pranams to the adi Koorma or primordial tortoise.. Lord Vishnu incarnated in this form and held in place the mountain Manthara which was used as the churning rod to collect Amrtuam or nectar from the Milky ocean.. The seat of every great personage is even now shaped as a tortoise.. the great Sannyasins too use Koormasanam.. So the Seat of the deities is worshipped as Koormam.
आदिवराहाय नमः ādivarāhāya namaḥ Pranams to the primordial Boar.. We know Lord Vishnu incarnated as a Boar and retrieved the earth from the bottoms of the sea.. where the demon Hiranyaksha had hidden the earth.. and in the processed killed the demon too.. So for the protection of the piece of earth we are using for worship
we offer pranams to Varahamoorthy.

पृथिव्यै नमः pṛthivyai namaḥ Pranams to the earth..
which holds everything includinf the idols, the temple and the worhsipper too.
रत्नमण्डपाय नमः ratnamaṇḍapāya namaḥ
pranams to the structure or hall of the temple or place of worship bedecked in gems and precious stones
रत्नवेदिकायै नमः ratnavedikāyai namaḥ
prannams to the Sanctum or main stage where the deitiy is placed.. which is again decorated or is made of Gems and precious materials
. स्वर्णस्तंभाय नमः svarṇastaṁbhāya namaḥ
pranams to the gold pillar.. of the temple including the flagstaff made of gold.( of course any pillar.. or flagstaff.. we can worship)
श्वेतच्छत्राय नमःśvetacchatrāya namaḥ
Pranams to the pure white umbrella.. the pure white umbrella is the insignia of supreme power.. such umbrellas are carried for deities, for Yatis and for Royal personages too
कल्पकवृक्षाय नमः kalpakavṛkṣāya namaḥ
Pranams to the Kalpakavriksha.. Kalapakavriksha is the tree in the heaven which grants the wishes of all who pray to it.. It is supposed that this tree in spirit is present wherever divine presence is there.

क्षीरसमुद्राय नमः kṣīrasamudrāya namaḥ pranams to the Milky ocean..
the milky ocean is one of the Seven great Oceans according to the Hindu Mythology.. the ocean is filled with milk and it contains all that is great and valuable.. In fact amrutham or nectar was churned out of it.. The Goddess Lakshmi, the Moon, the Divine Elephant Airavata, the Divine Horse Uchaishrava, the Goddes of intoxication Varuni, the Lord of Medicine Dhanvantari all came out it.. And Lord Vishnu is in Yoganidra floating in his bed of Adhisesha, atop this milky ocean.. We again invoke or assume the presence of this great ocean wherever divine worship s going on
सितचामराभ्याम् नमः sitacāmarābhyām namaḥ
Pranams to the white fans made of fluffy material used for ceremonially waving on the flanks of important personages, to keep the air cool

ॐ नमो भगवते सकलगुणशक्तियुक्ताय अनन्ताय योगपीठात्मने नमः om namo bhagavate sakalaguṇaśaktiyuktāya anantāya yogapīṭhātmane namaḥ

pranams to the resplendant and holy being that is the yogic seat where the Divine being is seated..
the seat is endowed with all great qualities and powers,
the seat is eternal and indestructible,

In our normal poojas, the presence all the above paraphernelia is usually imaginray.. But we just meditate in mind that they are all present in reality to receive the presence of the God..


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