Saturday, July 03, 2021

I pray for my own benefit, Krishna, not for yours...


I chant the name of Krishna (God).
I pray, I confess, I seek directions, I pray for expiation...

I try to manage to connect with Krishna for something I need desperately or in exceptional cases for the sake of someone who is close to me and is in dire straits

But do I ever think of Krishna and just spend some nice thoughts on Him, without any demand or entreaty attached..?

I really doubt. I have never reached such stage in my life.

Usually I call Him for some assistance.

To ensure His assistance, I would use all techniques including prayer
if possible even try emotional sabotage.

And I know He is very kind and Merciful and He will answer.

But can I ever bring my mind to pray, and simply say,

"My Darling Krishna, this one prayer is just for you...?”

If I can reach anywhere near that mindset, I trust my life would attain meaning and fulfilment too.

But will it ever happen..?.

My mind gives "no" as an answer

Still Krishna, I love you.
Even if it is the love of a selfish fellow.
Even if it is the love of a sycophant.

I love you Krishna

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