Monday, July 03, 2023

साधुस्तथा स्वेन परोपकारी

कः पुष्पजातिं सुरभिं विधत्ते
कश्चन्दनं वै शिशिरीकरोति।
कः प्रार्थयेत् भानुमिह प्रकाशे
साधुस्तथा स्वेन परोपकारी॥
महासुभाषितसङ्ग्रहे ८२९६
kaḥ puṣpajātiṁ surabhiṁ vidhatte
kaścandanaṁ vai śiśirīkaroti|
kaḥ prārthayet bhānumiha prakāśe
sādhustathā svena paropakārī||
mahāsubhāṣitasaṅgrahe 8296
A simple but very real subhashitam.. Eagerness to help others come so naturally for the noble ones.. No one need ask them or request them for help..
Who indeed is rendering a bunch of flowers sweet?
Who is taking special efforts to make the Sandal paste pleasantly cool?
Who takes the trouble of asking the Sun to brighten the world every day?
The people who are good at heart, the noble ones, are eager to help others spontaneously..
From mahasubhashitasangraham
Strange but true.. Some creations of the Good Lord are just great.. They can only do good to others, they can spread warmth and brightness alone.. No one prods them to do that..
But there are others too.. Those who are in positions where they can do good.. But would never do that.
And there are others, who can neither do good, nor would do good to anyone.
The world is indeed a multi-spectral phenomenon..
word analysis
कः who
पुष्पजातिं bunch of flowers
सुरभिं विधत्ते renders frgrant
कः वै who indeed
चन्दनं sandal (paste)
शिशिरी करोति makes pleasntly cool
कः इह who here
भानुं sun
प्रकाशे for light
प्रार्थयेत् pray for
साधुः the noble ones
स्वेन (गुणेन) by their own nature
तथा परोपकारी. are thus just of helping nature
k v ananthanarayanan

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