Monday, July 03, 2023

musings 143

We cannot go around and offer our respects to one and all
but sure,
we can avoid insulting others either directly or indirectly..
Respect comes as an act of commission,
but insult can come by way of commission and omission too
And some guys are experts in aproaching people with a lot of show of feigned respect
and the victims build up false castles of sand relying on that show of respect finally to get the ultimate insults delivered on them
Maybe some find happiness in shattering others..
The experience is..
one should not fall prey to sweet but insincere words..
ഉറങ്ങിക്കിടക്കുന്ന പാവത്തെ ഉണര്‍ത്തി അത്താഴം ഇല്ലെന്നു പറയുന്നത് പോലെ
( Someone was hungry.. and with that hunger he managed to go to sleep..
Some smart fellow woke up the sleeper and informed that no supper was available..)

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