Sunday, July 02, 2023

श्री धर्मशास्तृपञ्चरत्नं Shree Dharmashaastru Pancharatnam.

श्री धर्मशास्तृपञ्चरत्नं Shree Dharmashaastru Pancharatnam.

लोकवीरं महापूज्यं सर्वरक्षाकरं विभुम्।
पार्वती हृदयानन्दं शास्तारं प्रणमम्यहम् ॥१॥
॥स्वामिये शरणं अय्यप्प॥
lokavīraṃ mahāpūjyaṃ sarvarakṣākaraṃ vibhum।
pārvatī hṛdayānandaṃ śāstāraṃ praṇamamyaham ॥1॥
॥svāmiye śaraṇaṃ ayyappa॥
Lokaveeram Mahapoojyam, Sarvarakshakaram vibhum !
Parvathi hridayanandam, Saasthaaram pranamamyaham !!
Swamiye Saranam Ayyappa !! 1 !!
I offer respectful Pranams at the lotus feet of Shasta, the protector and witness of all that we do,
He is the best among the valorous heroes in this world
He deserves the worship from all the noble personages on the face of this earth
He has taken upon Himself the duty of protection of all people around Him
He is the source of all that is great
He is the supreme happiness to the heart of mother Uma Parvathi
विप्रपूज्यं विश्ववन्द्यं विष्णु शम्भ्वो प्रियं सुतम्।
क्षिप्रप्रसाद निरतं शास्तारं प्रणमाम्यहम्॥२॥
॥स्वामिये शरणं अय्यप्प॥
viprapūjyaṃ visvavandyaṃ viṣṇu śambhvo priyaṃ sutam।
kṣipraprasāda nirataṃ sāstāraṃ praṇamāmyaham॥2॥
॥svāmiye śaraṇaṃ ayyappa॥
Viprapoojyam viswavandyam, vishnu shambho priyam sutham !
Kshipraprasaada niratam, saasthaaram pranamamyaham
Swamiye Saranam Ayyappa !! 2 !!
I offer respectful Pranams at the lotus feet of Shasta, the protector and witness of all that we do
He is worshipped with earnestness by all learned people
The entire universe pays obeisance to him
He is the darling son of Lords Vishnu and Shiva
He is ever eager to bestow his bounties on the devotees without even the slightest delay
मत्त मातङ्ग गमनं कारुण्यामृत पूरितम्।
सर्व विघ्नहरं देवं शास्तारं प्रणमम्यहम् ॥३
॥स्वामिये शरणं अय्यप्प॥
matta mātaṅga gamanaṃ kāruṇyāmṛita pūritam।
sarva vighnaharaṃ devaṃ śāstāraṃ praṇamamyaham ॥3
॥svāmiye śaraṇaṃ ayyappa॥
Mattha maatanga gamanam, kaarunyaamrita pooritam !
Sarva vighnaharam devam, saasthaaram pranamamyaham !!
Swamiye Saranam Ayyappa !! 3 !!
I offer respectful Pranams at the lotus feet of Shasta, the protector and witness of all that we do
His attractive gait resembles the movement of a rowdy elephant in rut
He is filled to the brim with the nectar of compassion for his devotees
He is the one who shatters all the impediments that confront his devotees
अस्मत्कुलेश्वरं देवं अस्मत् शत्रु विनाशनम्।
अस्मदिष्ट प्रदातरम् शास्तारं प्रणमाम्यहम्॥४॥
॥स्वामिये शरणं अय्यप्प॥
asmatkuleśvaraṃ devaṃ asmat śatru vināśanam ।
asmadiṣṭa pradātaram sāstāraṃ praṇamāmyaham॥4॥
॥svāmiye śaraṇaṃ ayyappa॥
Asmatkuleswaram devam, asmat shatru vinaashanam !
Asmadista pradaataram, saasthaaram pranamamyaham !!
Swamiye Saranam Ayyappa !! 4 !!
I offer respectful Pranams at the lotus feet of Shasta, the protector and witness of all that we do He is the Lord and master of our clan, family and household
He is the annihilator of the enemies who attack us
He is ever eager to grant us whatever we fondly desire
पाण्ड्येश वंश तिलकं केरळे केळि विग्रहम् ।
आर्त त्राण परं देवं शास्तारं प्रणमाम्यहम्॥५॥
॥स्वामिये शरणं अय्यप्प॥
pāṇḍyeśa vaṃśa tilakaṃ keraḻe keḻi vigraham ।
ārta trāṇa paraṃ devaṃ śāstāraṃ praṇamāmyaham॥5॥
॥svāmiye śaraṇaṃ ayyappa॥
Pandyesha vamsa tilakam, keraley keli vigraham !
Aarta thraana param devam, saasthaaram pranamamyaham !!
Swamiye Saranam Ayyappa !! 5 !!
I offer respectful Pranams at the lotus feet of Shasta, the protector and witness of all that we do
He is the scion and the most significant prince of the clan of Pandyas (Pandala)
He has manifested himself as the attractive idol (of Ayyappa) in the land of Kerala
He is the ever engaged in protecting and offering relief to all those who are reeling under misery
पञ्चरत्नाख्यमेतद्यो नित्यं शुद्धः पठेन्नरः।
तस्य प्रसन्नो भगवान् शास्ता वसति मानसे ॥६॥
॥स्वामिये शरणं अय्यप्प॥
pañcaratnākhyametadyo nityaṃ śuddhaḥ paṭhennaraḥ।
tasya prasanno bhagavān śāstā vasati mānase ॥6॥
॥svāmiye śaraṇaṃ ayyappa॥
Pancha ratnaakya Methadyo nityam shudha patennaraha !
Tasya prasanno Bhagawaan Saastha vasathi maanase !!
Swamiye Saranam Ayyappa !! 6 !!
If these five gems of praises (in five Shlokas) on Shasta are chanted by a man with pure heart and body, the Lord becomes pleased with him and ever resides in that devotee’s mind
ശ്രീ ധര്‍മശാസ്തൃപഞ്ചരത്നം
ലോകവീരം മഹാപൂജ്യം സര്വരക്ഷാകരം വിഭും।
പാര്‍വതീ ഹൃദയാനന്ദം ശാസ്താരം പ്രണമമ്യഹം ॥൧॥
॥സ്വാമിയേ ശരണം അയ്യപ്പ॥
വിപ്രപൂജ്യം വിശ്വവന്ദ്യം വിഷ്ണു ശംഭ്വോ പ്രിയം സുതം।
ക്ഷിപ്രപ്രസാദ നിരതം ശാസ്താരം പ്രണമാമ്യഹം॥൨॥
॥സ്വാമിയേ ശരണം അയ്യപ്പ॥
മത്ത മാതങ്ഗ ഗമനം കാരുണ്യാമൃത പൂരിതം।
സര്‍വ വിഘ്നഹരം ദേവം ശാസ്താരം പ്രണമമ്യഹം ॥൩
॥സ്വാമിയേ ശരണം അയ്യപ്പ॥
അസ്മത് കുലേശ്വരം ദേവം അസ്മത് ശത്രു വിനാശനം !
അസ്മദിഷ്ട പ്രദാതരം ശാസ്താരം പ്രണമാമ്യഹം॥൪॥
॥സ്വാമിയേ ശരണം അയ്യപ്പ॥
പാണ്ഡ്യേശ വംശ തിലകം കേരളേ കേളി വിഗ്രഹം ।
ആര്‍ത ത്രാണ പരം ദേവം ശാസ്താരം പ്രണമാമ്യഹമ്॥൫॥
॥സ്വാമിയേ ശരണം അയ്യപ്പ॥
പഞ്ചരത്നാഖ്യമേതദ്യോ നിത്യം ശുദ്ധഃ പഠേന്നരഃ।
തസ്യ പ്രസന്നോ ഭഗവാന്‍ ശാസ്താ വസതി മാനസേ ॥൬॥
॥സ്വാമിയേ ശരണം അയ്യപ്പ॥

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