Tuesday, March 26, 2024

अप्रधानः प्रधानः स्यात्सेवते यदि पार्थिवम्

अप्रधानः प्रधानः स्यात्सेवते यदि पार्थिवम्।
प्रधानोऽप्यप्राधानः स्याद्यदि सेवाविवर्जितः॥
१७२ इन्द् स्प्रुचे पञ्चतन्त्रे
apradhānaḥ pradhānaḥ syātsevate yadi pārthivam|
pradhāno'pyaprādhānaḥ syādyadi sevāavivarjitaḥ||172 ind spru pañcatantre
When a person is employed in the service of the king or the State, he would become very important, very respected and very much noticed even if he is a person of average importance and capacity. However, once a person is divested of his services under the state, he becomes a big zero, even if he was a shining star during his service days.

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