Tuesday, February 16, 2010

dont be shy

धनधान्यप्रयोगेषु विद्यासंग्रहणेषु च
आहारे व्यवहारे च त्यक्तलज्जःसुखी भवेत्

dhana dhaanya prayogeshu vidhya samgrahaneshu cha
aaharey vyavahaarey cha tyahktha lajaah sukhee bhaveth
chanakya neethi

If a person just throws to wind the feeling of delicacy in earning and utilising money and food grains, in acquiring education, in enjoying good food and in expressing wise opinions he will always be very comfortable and successful in life.

If money is to be earned and we hesitate, it is trouble for us 
and we need not hesitate to spend the money we earn on good causes.

 Similarly, we have to watch the vagaries of weather
 and act without hesitation or dithering  and  at the correct time
 to get good crops 
 we need not hesitate in distributing the foodstuff we have collected to all. 
And if we want to learn and acquire knowledge , 
we have to go anywhere  and apporach   anybody 
and toil without rest if we have to succeed..no room for  hesitations there.
 All know the disadvantages of being hesitant when called to partake in a good lunch or dinner...others will eat and we will remain watching, just letting the saliva flow.
 And where proper words are to be spoken by way of opinion 
 and we fail to do so out of delicacy, 
we are defeating ourselves.

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