Wednesday, February 10, 2010

the strong script

हरिणापि हरेणापि ब्रह्मणापि सुरैरपि।
ललाटे लिखिता रेखा शक्यते केन मार्ष्टितुम्।।
Harinaapi Harenaapi Brahmanaapi surairapi
Lalaate likhitaa rekhaa shakyate ken maarshtitum.
ഹരിണാപി ഹരേ
ണാപി ബ്രഹ്മണാപി സുരൈരപി 

ലലാടെ ലിഖിതാ രേഖാ ശക്യതെ കേന മാര്‍ഷ്ടിതും 

Neither lord Vishnu, nor lord Siva, nor Brahmadeva or other gods will be able to erase what is written on your forehead. 
(It is believed that when we are born the scheme  of our progress in life upto the graveyard is recorded on the skull by fate in the language known to Himself alone. The record is in indelible ink and no correction or amendment is possible)

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