Sunday, March 07, 2010

panguni uthram and kodungallur bharani

The two festivals are near. 
To feel Pankuni Uthram , one must really be present at palani and kodumudi near erode to see the devotion of the bhakthas who just fill pitchers of kaveri theertham sanctified at the siva temple at kodumudi by placing a special leaf in the water and proceed to Palani by foot carrying the theertham as kavadi or otherwise and reach the zenith of their spiritual achievement when this theertham is poured on the holy head of dandapani.  In one of the driest seasons in this geographical terrain the water, no, the life giving theertham of Kaveri flows down the palani malai and just runs all through the streets. For the padayatrikas there is no caste, creed or consideration of financial ups and down. This phenomenal festival goes on and on through ages. There is no scarcity for anything. No padayatrika will feel staravation or deprivation.  Everyone one sees is only dandayuthapani incarnate.

For Kodungallur Bharani, devotees, most of them poor, start their journey by walk from far off places in Kerala and outside shaking a curved sword with chalangai tingling, clad in red clothes, visiting every house on the way announcing that they are going to kodungallur for bharani and collecting contributions to be dedicated to the mother.. the men and women who go as komarams are practically letter less, but they know they are one with Kodungallooramma.  They reach Kodungallur by bharani day  in Meenam and as they approach, they forget themselves.  The Devi is just their mother, many have anger toward the mom because she has not looked after them well in the way they expected. But it is their mother and so they present their views in the most abusive language. It is their privilege to shout at their mother.  But the mother could understand it because they are all her children.  If they are drunk, she knows it is out of frustration and partly out of the embarrassment to approach the great mother in their lowly status in life.  For the Lokamatha, the ignorant drunkard who addressed her with love in the most abusive language and the Vedic pundit who praises her with vedic sookthas are all her own Children.
This rush of innocent devotees for Bharani has continued through ages and ages.

Unadulterated bhakthi is the only common factor found in these two festivals.

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