Monday, April 26, 2010

all are not equal

दाक्षिण्यं स्वजने दया परिजने शाठ्यं सदा दुर्जने
प्रीतिः साधुजने नयो नृप-जने विद्वज्जने चार्जवम्।
शौर्यं शत्रु-जने क्षमा गुरु-जने कान्ता-जने धृष्टता
ये चैवं पुरुषाः कलासु कुशलास्तेष्वेव लोक-स्थितिः॥२२॥
नीतिशतकम्   भर्त्तृहरिविरचितं

dākṣiṇyaṁ svajane dayā parijane śāṭhyaṁ sadā durjane
prītiaḥ sādhujane nayo nṛpa-jane vidvajjane cārjavam |
śauryaṁ śatru-jane kṣamā guru-jane kāntā-jane dhṛṣṭatā
ye caivaṁ puruṣāaḥ kalāsu kuśalāsteṣveva loka-sthitiaḥ ||22||
nītiśatakam   bharttṛhariviracitaṁ

ദാക്ഷിണ്യം സ്വജനേ ദയാ പരിജനേ ശാഠൃം സദാ ദുര്ജ്ജനേ
പ്രീതിഃ സാധുജനേ നയോ നൃപജനേ വീദ്വജ്ജ ജനേ ചാര്ജവം
ശൌര്യം ശത്രുജനേ ക്ഷമാ ഗൂരുജനേ കന്താജനേ ധൃഷ്ടതാ
 യേചൈവംപുരുഷാഃ കലാസു  കുശലാഃതേഷ്വേവ ലോകസ്ഥിതഃ
The destiny of the world depends on great people who are very discernig is their attitude to various types of other people.  They have to be kind and considerate to their own kith and kin. They shoul be compassionate while dealing with the servants.  They should be always tough when it comes to interaction with evil people. They should exhibit a pleasant and satified demeanour to the pious people.  They should be highly diplomatic while attending on the Royal persons.  In confronting the enemies they should show all their valour.  In the company of elders, preceptors and parents they should show utmost courtesy and patience. The womanfolk should be  dealt with with utmost authoritativeness.

Bharthruhari shows his expertise in management of people.  We have very little to add to his advice even after two millenia.  Any paradigm shift away from the above prescription can create utter chaors for a man and the environments.

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