Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Fwd: thoughts on the eve of Mesharavi Sankramanan

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From: kanfusion <kvananthanarayanan@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, Apr 13, 2010 at 8:44 AM
Subject: thoughts on the eve of Mesharavi Sankramanan
To: viprasamhitha <viprasamhitha@googlegroups.com>

my dear elders, brothers and sisters,  the Sun is at its most powerful
according to astrology and also as we can learn from experience, and
he is now the witness for everything.
In these fora  I find a lot of discussion about many things spiritual
but usually I am not intervening because enthusiasm for this which was
in me in  one earlier phase of my forays into  spiritualism has
waned.  All texts reach to more or less the same conclusion. As vyasa
concluded in a purnaa--aalodya sarvasaastraani, vicharya cha punah
punah, idahmekan sunishpannam dhyeyo narayanao harih... after seeing
all the sastras and after repetedly contemplating on everything again
and again, only one truthe emerges... we have to keep in our heart
always Naarayana the Hari.  I dont claim having reached such zeniths
of realization but Krishna is enough for me.

But as brahmins, let us not forget our swadharma, swaadhaya, and
righteousness. Let us remember that we are Brahmins first and it is
our bounden duty to preserve brahmanyam  or brahmanathwam.  May the
Brahmanyadeva, the benefactor of cows and brahmins and also the
benefactor of the whole world Krishna before him we offer our pranams
daily bless us and preserve the Brahmanyam in us.

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