Saturday, May 15, 2010

not a rabbit

विपदि धैर्यं अथाभ्युदये क्षमा सदसि वाक्य-पटुता युधि विक्रमः।
यशसि चाभिरुचिर् व्यसनं श्रुतौ प्रकृति-सिद्धम् इदं हि महात्मनाम्॥३२॥
vipadi dhairyaṁ athābhyudaye kṣamā sadasi vākya-paṭutā yudhi vikramaḥ | yaśasi cābhirucir vyasanaṁ śrutau prakṛti-siddham idaṁ hi mahātmanām ||32||

വിപദി ധൈര്യം അഥാഭ്യുദയേ ക്ഷമാ
സദസി വാക്യപടുതാ യുധി വിക്രമഃ
യശസിചാഭിരുചിര്‍ വ്യസനം ശ്രുതൌ   പ്രകൃതിസിദ്ധം ഇദം ഹി മഹത്മനാം

  Nonchalance and absolute presence of mind when facing danger, patience and detachment while there is abundance in life, 
keen interest in participating and enlivening the proceedings of the meetings of august bodies, 
great valour in fighting 
keen and dedicated  adherence to once own reputation 
deep sorrow when subjected to unwanted scandal... 
these virtues come naturally to the noble soul.
  The real mettle of the noble is tested in the crucible of adversity. 
 Anyone can pretend  that he is very bold when things are okay but to keep the same attitude when unpleasant things face one is a special talent. Even when they attain some position of minor importance, people assume for  to themselves that they have attained  too much of greatness and consider it their birthright to show impatience towards fellow mortals.
 But the really great men are not affected either by plenty or penury.

 If a person has acquired  great knowledge , he has to give expression to it in appropriate fora for the benefit of the world. 

 The noble warriors show their valour in its sublimest best in battles never giving any thought to personal safety.
 For such persons impeccable reputation is paramount in life and unwarranted scandals cause them great distress


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