Thursday, June 03, 2010

सेवाधर्मः परमगहनो

मौनान्मूकः प्रवचनपटुर्वाचको जल्पको वा
धृष्टः पार्श्वे भवति च वसन् दूरतोप्यगम्यः।
क्षान्त्या भीरुर्यदि न सहते प्रायशो नाभिजातः
सेवाधर्मः परमगहनो योगिनामप्यगम्यः॥
नीतिशतकम्  भर्त्रुहरेः
maunānmūkaḥ pravacanapaṭurvācako jalpako vā
dhṛṣṭaḥ pārśve bhavati ca vasan dūratopyagamyaḥ|
kṣāntyā bhīruryadi na sahate prāyaśo nābhijātaḥ
sevādharmaḥ paramagahano yogināmapyagamyaḥ||
nītiśatakam  bhartruhareḥ

The sad plight of a menial servant is indeed unbearable. 
Even an ascetic who is inure to all things mundane will not be able to cope up with the demands of this job or the innuendos  a servant receives 
 If the servant keeps silence he is called dumb.
 If he talks out he will be branded either as a chatterbox or idiot. 
If he goes near the master he is called arrogant, and if he keeps a respectful distance he is accused as a nincompoop.
 If  he shows patience, he is a coward and  if he exhibits impatience, he is accused as low bred.
 How testing his life is.

. . 

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