Monday, November 01, 2010

the source never gets depleted

गृह्णन्तु सर्वे यदि वा यदेच्छं
नास्ति क्षतिः क्वापि कवीश्वराणाम्।
रत्नेषु लुप्तेषु बहुष्वमर्त्यैः
अद्यापि रत्नाकर एव सिन्धुः॥
gṛhṇantu sarve yadi vā yadecchaṁ
nāsti kṣatiḥ kvāpi kavīśvarāṇām|
ratneṣu lupteṣu bahuṣvamārtyaiḥ
adyāpi ratnākara eva sindhuḥ||

ഗൃഹ്ണന്തു സര്‍വേ യദി വാ യഥേച്ഛം
നാസ്തി ക്ഷതി:  ക്വാപി കവീശ്വരാനാം
രത്നേഷു ലുപ്തേഷു ബഹുഷ്വമര്‍ത്യൈ:
ദ്യാപി രത്നാകര ഏവ സിന്ധു

let the people devour to their hearts' fill from the wisdom of the divine poets. The source can never get depleted.
while churning the milky ocean the gods took away all the gems they could lay their hands upon from the Ocean. Still even today the ocean retains the status of the treasury of all valuable gems.


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