Saturday, October 16, 2010

welfare state

अधर्मस्तु महांस्तात भवेत्तस्य महीपते।
यो हरेद्बलिषड्भागं न च रक्षति पुत्रवत्॥
श्रीमद्वाल्मीकिरामायणं  आरण्यकाण्डं    ६---११
adharmastu mahāṁstāta bhavettasya mahīpate|
yo haredbaliṣaḍbhāgaṁ na ca rakṣati putravat||
śrīmadvālmīkirāmāyaṇaṁ  āraṇyakāṇḍaṁ    6---11

അധര്‍മ്മസ്തു മഹാന്‍ താത ഭവേത് തസ്യ മഹീപതേ
യോ ഹരേദ്ബലിഷട്ട്ഭാഗം ന ച രക്ഷതി പുത്രവത്‌

Sri Rama along with Lakshmana and Sita is on his way to the deep forests for a sojourn of fourteen years there.
 He reaches the hermitage of Sage Sarabhanga. 

The forest was infested with demons and evil people at that time and the ascetics living there were tormented by these demons in many ways.
Therefore all the sages assembled at the hermitage of Sarabanga and voiced their complaint to the son of the King.
 This sloka which reminds Rama of the duties of a king is appearing in the Itihasa in this context.

 The sages say,  "Oh young prince, the great sin of dereliction from duty awaits the king who takes away one-sixth of the earnings of the subjects as tax but fails to look after their welfare and fails to  protect them as if they were his own sons.

Even though the warning is addressed to a prince thousands of years ago the basic idea underlying it applies to all governments headed by kings or ministers whatsoever.
The rulers of a welfare state, who leave no stones unturned to collect the taxes from the citizens are duty-bound to ensure them a comfortable and unencumbered life.  The failure can result in revolution today.

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