Tuesday, December 21, 2010

one-word answers

यक्ष उवाच
किंस्विदेकपदं धर्म्यं  किंस्विदेकपदं यशः।
किंस्विदेकपदं स्वर्ग्यं  किंस्विदेकपदं सुखं॥
युधिष्ठिर उवाच
दाक्ष्यमेकपदं धर्म्यं दानमेकपदं यशः।
सत्यमेकपदं स्वर्ग्यं शीलमेकपदं सुखं॥
श्रीमहाभारथे आरण्यपर्वणि यक्षप्रश्नात्   २९७   श्लोकानि ५०   ५१
yakṣa uvāca
kiṁsvidekapadaṁ dharmyaṁ  kiṁsvidekapadaṁ yaśaḥ|
kiṁsvidekapadaṁ svargyaṁ  kiṁsvidekapadaṁ sukhaṁ||
yudhiṣṭhira uvāca
dākṣyamekapadaṁ dharmyaṁ dānamekapadaṁ yaśaḥ|
satyamekapadaṁ svargyaṁ śīlamekapadaṁ sukhaṁ||
śrīmahābhārathe āraṇyaparvaṇi yakṣapraśnāt   297   ślokāni 50   51

The yaksha asks yudishtira.. 1. which is the first or foremost attribute of dharma.
2. which is the first and foremost path to fame?

3. Which is the first and foremost route to heaven? ;and  
4. Which is the first and foremost source of welfare?

Yudhishtira answers  1.Being liberal and not rigid is the foremost attribute of dharma. 
2. Being lavish in gifts is the path to fame.

3.Absolute honesty is the route to heaven;  and
 4. unblemished and excellent character is the source of welfare.

The questions and answers are so crisp that no one could explain it more.


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