Monday, February 28, 2011

patience and non violence.

एको धर्मः परम् श्रेयः क्षमैका शन्तिरुत्तमा।
विद्यैका परमा दृष्ठिरहिम्सैका सुखावहा॥
श्री महाभारते उद्योगपर्वणि विदुरनीतिवाक्ये त्रयस्त्रिंसोध्याये श्लोकः ४८
eko dharmaḥ param śreyaḥ kṣamaikā śantiruttamā|
vidyaikā paramā dṛṣṭhirahimsaikā sukhāvahā||
śrī mahābhārate udyogaparvaṇi viduranītivākye trayastriṁsodhyāye ślokaḥ 48
 Adherence to the right path espoused by dharma  alonw can lead to fame and well being of the ruler  and the ruled.  Only persistent patience can bring about eternal peace, the only real vision is supplied by education alone and the cardinal  principle that ensures universal well being is non violence.
Reads like Gandhian literature?  Written three millenia ago.



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