Monday, February 21, 2011

Promptness is the watchword

आदानस्य प्रदानस्य कर्तव्यस्य च कर्मणः।
क्षिप्रमक्रियमणस्य कालः पिबति तद्रसम्॥
(कालातिक्रमात् काल एव फलम् पिबति  चाणक्य सूत्रम् १०८)
ādānasya pradānasya kartavyasya ca karmaṇaḥ|
kṣipramakriyamaṇasya kālaḥ pibati tadrasam||
(kālātikramāt kāla eva phalam pibati  cāṇakya sūtram 108)

 In the matter of giving  or receiving,  
determining what is to be done, 
and in embarking on proper action,  the intended action should be carried out  without any delay. 
 In a delayed action, if at all the attempts yield any fruits, 
such good results will be eaten away by time,
because  delay nullifies the results of good action. 

 Promptness is the watchword.

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