Friday, March 25, 2011

the brave thrives by valour

मदसिक्तमुखैर्मृगाधिपः करिभिर्वर्तयते स्वयं हतैः।
लघयन्खलु तेजसाजगन्न महानिच्छति भूतिमन्यतः॥
भारवेः किरतार्जुनीये  २---१८
madasiktamukhairmṛgādhipaḥ karibhirvartayate svayaṁ hataiḥ|
laghayankhalu tejasājaganna mahānicchati bhūtimanyataḥ||
bhāraveḥ kiratārjunīye  2---18
The king Yudhistira is in conference with his brothers and wife and the queen Draupadi. 
Even though Yudhistira is just taking the sojourn in the forest as a consequence of his own action of losing a chess tournament  and is reconciled to it,   the others following him  are not at peace with the situation.  
When informed  about the success of the arch rival Duryodhana their anger and eagerness for revenge are doubly kindled. 
They are simply tied down and restrained just  by their respect for the elder brother.  Draupadi is now addressing the valourous Vrikodhara...the Bheemasena, prodding him to belligerent action against Duryodhana. 
 Frist she ridicules the stoic nature of the king and his four valorous brothers Bheema, Arjuna, Nakula and Sahadeva. 
 She is all contempt  for the ways of reconciliation sought by the exiled king.
  She says
" The king of forests,  the lion, always likes to exist in glory among the dead bodies of the rogue elephants which were on rut and have been annihilated by him by striking their foreheads with his strong arms and he finds glory  not elsewhere.  
A true hero would always want to vanquish the whole world with his own valour and enjoy the glory and wealth coming by his way through such action. 
 It is not through patient waiting and negotiations that the really brave person established his superiority."

Draupadi's talk couched in taunts is understanadable  under the circumstances.  Yudhistira is getting unnecessarily bogged down by his own exaggerated sense of propriety.  
This attitude may be ideal for philosophers or ascetics..
But it is ridiculous for a strong man that the king is who is having for his support four younger brothers, who are all capable of vanquishing the world individually on their own right. 
 Here the Kshaatra Dharma is explained  with all passion by a brave lady of the Kshatriya clan. 

The sum and substance of the arguments is that an attitude or action which can be praiseworthy in one set of circumstances can be termed as cowardice in a different situation


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