Sunday, March 13, 2011

the king should rule with love and not with rage.

न तेन सज्यं क्वचिदुद्धृतं धनुः कृतं न वा कोपविजिह्ममाननं।
गुणाभिमानेन शिरोभिरुह्यते नराधिपैर्माल्यमिवास्य शासनं॥
भारवेः किरातार्जुनीये महकाव्ये सर्गः १ श्लोकं २१
na tena sajyaṁ kvaciduddhṛtaṁ dhanuḥ kṛtaṁ na vā kopavijihmamānanaṁ|
guṇābhimānena śirobhiruhyate narādhipairmālyamivāsya śāsanaṁ||
bhāraveḥ kirātārjunīye mahakāvye sargaḥ 1 ślokaṁ 21

This is from the great work Kiratarjuneeyam  of poet Bharavi.. 

After managing to send his cousin to a sojourn in the forest through a game a chess (rigged of course by crafty Shakuni), Duryodhana, a Master of statecraft is reinforcing his popularity as a ruler par excellence.  
The success  of this is reported to the exiled king Yudhistira by a spy.  
The spy is impressed by what he saw in the country ruled by Suyodhana and even though the report may not be to the liking of the rival cousin, the spy does not make any attempts to conceal the facts.

"After taking up the reins of administration, the king (Duryodhana) had no occasion to raise his bow mounted tight with the string ready to shoot.  
He had no occasion to have his anger kindled to white flame and making his face excited with rage. 
 The vassal kings and subjects, 
out of great reverence and partiality for the virtue of just administration, 
accept with bowed heads,  
with humility and respect the orders and bidding of the supreme ruler as if such orders were garlands made of fragrant flowers presented to them in their honour".

In politics, there are many occasions when a king can retain power only by applying ruthless suppression of the will of the subjects and subordinates.
 In such cases, the interests of the king or the  ruling junta will be extremely selfish and the statecraft of welfare would be the last priority.  
We see fall of such tyrants as history repeats itself . Many  hegemonies are crumbling. 
But the great respected author, Bhaaravi who is famed for arthagauravam , or exposition of apt  ideas of vital relevance, highlights here  the success of a just king.  

The  orders of such ruler  run the roost because they are entirely beneficial to the subjects. 
 No selfishness or graft or partiality in dispensing justice.  
In the earlier part of this chapter, the just policy expected of the king has been described in great detail. 
 The essential feature is that the king must  not beinfluenced by avarice for taxes and gifts from the subject, 
he should  never be swayed by anger, 
he should invariably  act on the basis of  expert counsel, 
and when it came to dispensation of just punishment he should never consider whether the wrongdoer is an enemy or is his own son, and when he sits on the throne the only  driving force for his  action must be  dharma.  (not drama..a more suitable word for contemporary politicians.)


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