Monday, May 23, 2011

my days in college

yes, when I joined college for predegree classes  in the great Victoria college,Palakkad.  My number in the rank list was one, I was allotted roll no 1 ( one) for my name was ananthanarayanan, but I was wearing a sraadha veshti and a cotton shirt with no banian, my yajnopaveetham jutting out.I did not have a kudumi that is all. But I was wearing the three horizontal  strands of vibuthi with a strand of sandal paste above it with a kunkumapottu in the middle.( I do the same now as an additional commissioner of Incometax in the Indian Revenue Service).  I was a five footer may be weighing 26 to 28 kilos, and I had never worn a chappal till then and   for more years later. My  part time job was pooja assistant in a pillayar temple and my Sekharipuram was within runnable distance from victoria so I ran four times a day to and fro. It was considered improper to talk to girls even if they were classmates. But usually when college examinations were over and answer papers were distributed my papers in Sanskrit, maths and physics would never come back to me, some other classmate would have lifted  it off may be to see how I have answered the questions . I will know only my marks when the mark-list was read out.. and they were reading above ninety per cent always.  The journey from there to an officer of the Indian revenue service..Krishna you lead me. 
The  funniest experience in my college life was when my chemistry professor asked me to close the gallery door at the beginning of a class and when I walked to the door my loose veshti fell flat and I stood half naked koupeenam  and all.... That is the sweet experience of my college days.

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