Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Bygones are merely bygones.

Bygones are merely bygones

अस्मिन्काले तु यद्युक्तं तदिदानीं विधीयतां।
गतं तु नानुशोचन्ति गतं तु गतमेव हि॥६३--२५॥
श्रीमद्वाल्मीकिरामायणे युद्धकाण्डे
asminkāle tu yadyuktaṁ tadidānīṁ vidhīyatāṁ|
gataṁ tu nānuśocanti gataṁ tu gatameva hi ||63--25||
śrīmadvālmīkirāmāyaṇe yuddhakāṇḍe

അസ്മിന്‍ കാലേ തു യദ്യുക്തം തദിദാനീം വിധീയതാം
ഗതം തു നാനുശോചന്തി ഗതം തു ഗതമേവ ഹി 
വാല്മീകിരാമായണം യുദ്ധകാണ്ഡം

asminkaale tu yadyuktaM tadidaaniiM vidhiiyataaM.
gataM tu naanushochanti gataM tu gatameva hi ..63--25..
shriimadvaalmiikiraamaayaNe yuddhakaaNDe

"What is appropriate at this point of time should be discussed.  It is futile to lament over what is past.  Bygones are merely  bygones."

This would appear to be the statement of a wise philosopher given as a sage advice to his keen disciples.  

For a lifestyle manager this is very appropriate too.

But the whole irony  lies in this that these are words blurted out by Ravana, on the face of grave adversity. 

He had bitten more than what he could chew when he abducted Sita.  
The war for annihilation of Lanka and Killing of Ravana is on.  

Most of the brave warriors have been slain. 
The strong men  who remained were only Kumbhakarna, Indrajit and Ravana himself  Kumbakarna is aroused from his long sleep.  
Though a Rakshasa and the brother of Ravana, the huge Kumbakarna is not devoid of  sense of propriety.  
He addresses his elder brother in the court and points out all the damages that has been caused by the thoughtless action of Ravana.
 His view is that the war should stop with a honourable settlement.  
Ravana would hear nothing of it. 
He says that he had not called Kumbakarna to hear his lectures on propriety.  Whatever has happened has happened. Still Ravana feels that he can vanquish Rama and his monkey forces.  
 Kumbakarna should do his duty and stop giving advise, according to the Rakshasa King.  
True, unlike Vibhishana the soft younger brother who did not mind deserting Ravana to the camp of Rama, Kumbakarna is more like Karna of Mahabharatha.

 He is aware of his indebtedness to Ravana  and in spite of having the good sense that the arrow of Rama is going to kill him,  Kumbakarna proceeds to the battlefield and perishes.  

But the ravings of Ravana here assumes different dimensions in the science of management of life.   
We should not look before and after too seriously.


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