Saturday, July 23, 2011

He is the destroyer of grief of all who are distressed

श्री आपदुद्धारण स्तोत्रं
आपदामपहर्तारं दातारं सर्वसम्पदां
लोकाभिरामं श्रीरामं भूयो भूयो नमाम्यहं॥१
आर्तानामार्तिहन्तारं भीतानां भीतिनाशनं
द्विषतां कालदण्डं तं रामचन्द्रं नमाम्यहं॥२
अग्रतः पृष्टतश्चैव पार्श्वतश्च महाबलौ
आकर्णदीर्घधन्वानौ रक्षेतां रामलक्ष्मणौ॥३
सन्नद्धः कवची खड्गी चापबाणधरो युवा
गच्छन् ममाग्रतो नित्यं रामः पातु सलक्ष्मणः॥४
नमः कोदण्डहस्ताय सन्धीकृत शराय च
दण्डिताखिलदैत्याय रामायापन्निवारिणे॥५
रामाय रामभद्राय रामचन्द्राय वेधसे
रघुनाथाय नाथाय सीतायाः पतये नमः॥६
śrī āpaduddhāraṇa stotraṁ
āpadāmapahartāraṁ dātāraṁ sarvasampadāṁ
lokābhirāmaṁ śrīrāmaṁ bhūyo bhūyo namāmyahaṁ||1
ārtānāmārtihantāraṁ bhītānāṁ bhītināśanaṁ
dviṣatāṁ kāladanḍam tam rāmacandraṁ namāmyahaṁ||2
agrataḥ pṛṣṭataścaiva pārśvataśca mahābalau
ākarṇadīrghadhanvānau rakṣetām rāmalakṣmanau||3
sannaddhaḥ kavacī khaḍgī cāpabāṇadharo yuvā
gacchan mamāgrato nityaṁ rāmaḥ pātu salakṣmaṇaḥ||4
namaḥ kodaṇḍahastāya sandhīkṛta śarāya ca
daṇḍitākhiladaityāya rāmāyāpannivāriṇe||5
rāmāya rāmabhadrāya rāmacandrāya vedhase
raghunāthāya nāthāya sītāyāḥ pataye namaḥ||6

1.       I bow before Sree Rama again and again. He is the  darling of all the world, who destroys all dangers, who endows us with all wealth.
2.       He is the destroyer of grief of all who are distressed, he is the destroyer of the fear of all who are in fear.  He is like the killer staff (danda) of yama for his enemies.  To such Rama may go my pranams.
3.       Before me and behind me and on my flank smay the two brothers Rama and Laksmana stand  with long bows held upto their ears and protect us.
4.       The youth Rama, who is ever alert, who wears the armour, who wields the sword, who holds the bow and arrow, may walk before me every day along with Lakshmana and protect me.
5      I bow to Rama who has the bow kothanda in his hands with arrow ready to shoot, and who has alredy destroyed all the demons and is present there to free from me from all dangers.
6.       I bow to Rama who is the provider of welfare to us,  who is the full moon of sweetest grace,  who is the greatest scholar is Vedas ( and also in archery)  who is the foremost amont the clan of Raghus, who is the master of all of  us and who is the conort of Matha Seetha.
Honestly I believe that Rama is an Icon...for  all who believe in honesty, decency and sublime virtues that is cherished by all humanity.

the remaining part of Apadudhaarana stotram available in the following link

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