Saturday, August 06, 2011

Mine may be a minority cry.. let it be.

I am just expressing my views, I am not insinuating or accusing anyone or even trying to persuade you  that you should follow what I say.Is it a sin if this becomes a studious group? if it happens it will do a lot of good.. I am sure I am not posting my ideas here alone... my posts have gone into research papers, convocation lectures, in India and outside. But as a keen student of our culture, I will definitely warn if there are unverified and off the cuff remarks. If it is not acceptable to the group I may quit. I will never force my ideas on anyone. But give me my right to express my views just as you have your  right to do so. I do not know who is the administrator of this group is and I am not keen about it. If you are the administrator and you get irritated, just throw me out. I have no gain an  no loss. Why should not the boys and girls feel responsible for the opinions they give vent to? This is the cost everyone has to pay to live in a civilized society. I am sure about my locus standi because even after seven or eights in the web groups and as a participant is so many cultural activities and writeups for the past forty years or so I have not faded away. Mine may be a minority cry.. let it be.

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