Sunday, August 21, 2011

thus was born the full moon of black hue in the midnight of the eighth day after full moon

श्रीशुक उवाच-
अथ सर्वगुणोपेतः कालः परमशोभनः। यर्ह्योवाजनजन्मर्क्षं शान्तर्क्षग्रहतारकं॥१॥
दिशः प्रसेदुर्गगनं निर्मलोडुगणोदयं। मही मङ्गळभूयिष्ठपुरग्रामव्रजाकरा॥२॥
नद्यः प्रसन्नसलिलाः ह्रद जलरुहश्रियः। द्विजालिकुलसंनादस्तबका वनराजयः॥३॥
ववौ वायुः सुखस्पर्शः पुण्यगन्धवहः शुचिः।  अग्नयश्च द्विजातीनां शान्तास्तत्र समिन्धतः॥४॥
मनांस्यासन् प्रसन्नानि  साधूनामसुरद्रुहां। जायमानेऽजने तस्मिन् नेदुर्दुन्दुभयो दिवि॥५॥
जगुः किन्नरगन्धर्वास्तुष्ठुवुः सिद्धचारणाः।विद्याधर्यश्च ननृतुरप्सरोभिः समं सदा॥६॥
मुमुचुर्मुनयो देवाः सुमनांसि मुदान्विताः।  मन्दं मन्दं जलधराः जगर्जुरनुसागरं॥७॥
निशीथे तम उद्भूते जायमाने जनार्दने।  देवक्यां देवरूपिण्यां विष्णुः सर्वगुहाशयः।
आविरासीत् यथा प्राच्यां दिशीन्दुरिव पुष्कलः॥८॥
तमद्भुतं बालकमम्बुजेक्षणम् चतुर्भुजं शङ्घगदार्युदायुधं।
श्रीवत्सलक्ष्मं गलशोभिकौस्तुभं पीताम्बरम् सान्द्रपयोधसौभगम्॥९॥

महार्हवैदूर्यकिरीटकुण्डलत्विषा परिष्वक्तसहस्रकुन्तलं।  उद्दामकाञ्च्यङ्गदकङ्कणादिभिर्विरोचमानं  वसुदेवे ऐक्षत॥१०॥
श्रीमद्भागवते महापुराणे दशमस्कन्धे अध्यायः। --३-।
śrīśuka uvāca-
atha sarvaguṇopetaḥ kālaḥ paramaśobhanaḥ| yarhyovājanajanmarkṣaṁ śāntarkṣagrahatārakaṁ||1||
diśaḥ prasedurgaganaṁ nirmaloḍugaṇodayaṁ| mahī maṅgaḻabhūyiṣṭhapuragrāmavrajākarā||2||
nadyaḥ prasannasalilāḥ hrada jalaruhaśriyaḥ| dvijālikulasaṁnādastabakā vanarājayaḥ||3||
vavau vāyuḥ sukhasparśaḥ puṇyagandhavahaḥ śuciḥ|  agnayaśca dvijātīnāṁ śāntāstatra samindhataḥ||4||
manāṁsyāsan prasannāni  sādhūnāmasuradruhāṁ| jāyamāne'jane tasmin nedurdundubhayo divi||5||
jaguḥ kinnaragandharvāstuṣṭhuvuḥ siddhacāraṇāḥ| vidyadharyaśca nanṛturapsarobhiḥ samaṁ sadā||6||
mumucurmunayo devāḥ sumanāṁsi mudānvitāḥ|  mandaṁ mandaṁ jaladharāḥ jagarjuranusāgaraṁ||7||
niśīthe tama udbhūte jāyamāne janārdane|  devakyāṁ devarūpiṇyāṁ viṣṇuḥ sarvaguhāśayaḥ|
āvirāsīt yathā prācyāṁ diśīnduriva puṣkalaḥ||8||
tamadbutaṁ bālakamambujekṣaṇam caturbhujaṁ śaṅghagadāryudāyudhaṁ| śrīvatsalkṣmaṁ galaśobhikaustubhaṁ pītāmbaram sāndrapayodhasaubhagaṁ||9||
mahārhavaidūryakirīṭakuṇḍalatviṣā pariṣvaktasahasrakuntalaṁ|  uddāmakañcyaṅgadakaṅkaṇādibhirvirocamānaṁ  vasudeve aikṣata||10||
śrīmadbhāgavate mahāpurāṇe daśamaskandhe adhyāyaḥ| --3--|

Sri Suka Said:  The most delightful moment for the world dawned.
 The star was Rohini, presided over by the learned son of Naryana, the brahmadeva,  the star was on its ascendent (in Vrishabha raasi) and all the  other planets, asteriks and stars were  placed in very pleasant and favourable positions, and bore gentle and benevolent aspects. 
Even in autumn, all the quarters of the sky became cloudless.
 The stars shone in the blue sky cleansed by earlier rains. 
The earth was celebrating as a whole with all its towns, villages, stations of cowherds and mines all  thronging with people in festive mood, the rivers flowed in limpid streams, ponds  full with blooming  lotuses, rows of forest trees in full colurs  with fragrant flowers. and they swarmed with multitude of birds and bees with their sweet noises..
The pleasant breeze coming from the direction of Yamuna and wafting with sweet fragrance touched one an all with its uniquely pleasant feathery hands . 
The holy fires of the learned men which were extinguished by the tyrant Kamsa, started to glow sponatneously,
The minds of the righteous and noble persons sensed a queer sense of jubiliation, even when they were under the oppression of the demons.
 When that birthless Lord Vishnu was about to be born, the kettledrums (Dunddhubhis) of the heaven sounded all by themselves. 
The Kinnaras and gandhavas sang.
Siddhaas and Chaaranaas  praised aloud the glory of the Lord. 
The Vidhyadhara women danced in ecstasy along with the apsara women. 
 The jubiliant Gods and sages showered flowers from the heaven. 
Clouds rumbled gently echoing the sound of the oceans. 
The midnight came and the expectant prayers of all worthy devotees rent the sky.. And at that moment Vishnu the dweller of the deepest recesses in the hearts  of all living beings was born to Devaki, an incarnation of  Goddes Aditi, who was born in this earth to be fortunate to  be the mother of the Lord of the Universe.. it was like the full moon appearing in the eastern horiaon.

Vasudeva beheld that wonderful boy with lotus-like eyes. the child's four arms wielding  uplifted weapons and other Divine  emblems such as conch, mace and discus, and the clear Sreevatsa mark was visible on His bosom,  the child was clad in yellow silk and possessed the charming hue of a black cloud laden with moisture of Grace for all, with the Kustubha gem shining on His neck,   His charming and profuse locks (he is Keshava, the one with profuse hair) bathed in the splendour of the diadem and ear-rings studded with vaiduurya (cat's eye) gems, and was shining in the exquisite splendour of divine armlets and girdles.
Thus was born the full moon of black hue in the midnight of the eighth day after full moon
May Krishna bless us.

ശ്രീശുക ഉവാച-

അഥ സര്‍വ്വഗുണോപേതഃ കാലഃ പരമശോഭനഃ| 
യര്‍ഹ്യോവാജനജന്മര്‍ക്ഷം ശാന്തര്‍ക്ഷ ഗ്രഹതാരകം||൧||

ദിശഃ പ്രസേദുര്‍ഗഗനം നിര്‍മ്മലോഡുഗണോദയം|
 മഹീ മങ്ഗളഭൂയിഷ്ഠപുരഗ്രാമവ്രജാകരാ||൨||

നദ്യഃ പ്രസന്നസലിലാഃ ഹ്രദ ജലരുഹശ്രിയഃ| ദ്വിജാലികുലസംനാദസ്തബകാ വനരാജയഃ||൩||

വവൌ വായുഃ സുഖസ്പര്‍ശഃ പുണ്യഗന്ധവഹഃ ശുചിഃ|  അഗ്നയശ്ച ദ്വിജാതീനാം ശാന്താസ്തത്ര സമിന്ധതഃ||൪||

മനാംസ്യാസന്‍ പ്രസന്നാനി  സാധൂനാമസുരദ്രുഹാം| ജായമാനേഽജനേ തസ്മിന്‍ നേദുര്‍ദുന്ദുഭയോ ദിവി||൫||

ജഗുഃ കിന്നരഗന്ധര്‍വ്വാസ്തുഷ്ഠുവുഃ സിദ്ധചാരണാഃ| വിദ്ധയാര്യശ്ച നനൃതുരപ്സരോഭിഃ സമം സദാ||൬||

മുമുചുര്‍മുനയോ ദേവാഃ സുമനാംസി മുദാന്വിതാഃ| 
മന്ദം മന്ദം ജലധരാഃ ജഗര്‍ജുരനുസാഗരം||൭||

നിശീഥേ തമ ഉദ്ഭൂതേ ജായമാനേ ജനാര്‍ദ്ദനേ|  
ദേവക്യാം ദേവരൂപിണ്യാം വിഷ്ണുഃ സര്‍വഗുഹാശയഃ|

ആവിരാസീത് യഥാ പ്രാച്യാം ദിശീന്ദുരിവ പുഷ്കലഃ||൮||

തമദ്ഭുതം ബാലകമംബുജേക്ഷണം  ചതുര്‍ഭു ജം ശങ്ഘഗദാര്യുദായുധം| ശ്രീവത്സലക്ഷ്മം ഗളശോഭികൌസ്തുഭം പീതാംബരം സാന്ദ്രപയോധസൌഭഗം||൯||

മഹാര്‍ഹവൈദൂര്യകിരീടകുണ്ഡലത്വിഷാ പരിഷ്വക്തസഹസ്രകുന്തളം|  ഉദ്ദാമകഞ്ച്യങ്ഗദകങ്കണാദിഭിര്‍ വിരോചമാനം  വസുദേവേ ഐക്ഷത||൧൦||

ശ്രീമദ്ഭാഗവതേ മഹാപുരാണേ ദശമസ്കന്ധേ അധ്യായഃ| --൩--|


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