Monday, September 05, 2011

.May that butter-thief Krishna bless us.

Krishna is the only  only subject of anyone's Namaskaram.. May Krishna the Jagatguru bless us.. 
That fellow who went as a thief in search of  butter! 
He was caught red handed by a gopi(cowherd woman) while He was inspecting the contents of a Pot full of butter  hanging from the ceiling,  having entered her house in darkness, in the company of a set of equally naughty friends,Since the pot was placed high above the black rogue was  standing on the back of some of his friends to reach the pot . 
The gopi asked, "who are you boy.?." 
Krishna  replied, "I am the younger brother of balarama (to implicate the elder brother)," 
what are you searching for,? asked the gopi... 
"I am searching for a calf which is missing since the evening"..  
"Why do you search for it in the pot of butter?, asked the gopi,   "I searched for the calf everywhere else but could not find him, so I thought he is hiding in your butterpot" .
"Did you find the calf.?"..was the next question..
and Krishna replied," unfortunately not". 
then why are you waiting here? , came the question from the gopi and
Krishnas reply was ," Madam, I was waiting for you to inform you before I leave" , 
and in the midst of the conversation Krisna bolted  like a lightning and disappeared.
May  that butter-thief Krishna bless us.

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