Thursday, February 16, 2012

sorry for the interruption

I thought it would be an easy passage for me to travel through Ramyanam, Bharatham and Bhagavatham to take out the stories of the son of Anjana and Hanuman and the son of Vinatha the Garuda.. But the reading had landed me in a world of wonder, simply great reading and study.. The monkey and the bird are too great to be described by mere quoting from one Purana or Itihasa.. The study of the original texts, with limited timeslot for me for  this work indeed slows down  my output.  The saga of mutual acrimony between two sisters Vinatha and Kadru, both daughters of Daksa Prajapathi and married to the same man Kashyapa, and  their bid to beget the most heroic pro-genies, Vinatha  delivering two eggs, one of which she broke impatiently after five hundred years  and begat a half formed son Aruna, along with  a curse from him of eternal servitude for having maimed him for ever, and the second egg developoing after five hundred years more  into the indomitable king of birds Garuda, Kadru begetting thousand serpants, and these the sons occupying the tail the divine horse UchaaisravaaH to make it look black and enabling the victory of their mother Kadru in a wager with their aunt Vinatha and making Vinatha and Garuda their servants... the story goes on with mild variations in three of four texts,, I am not prepared to present anything half-baked. 
My study on Pranava and Sandhyavandhanam is to continue.  A lot of material is already gathered but there again I am facing constrains of time.. 
The translation of Narayaneeyam is also at a standstill.  
I hope, I pray God I will start resuming all these in a short time.. But  now after more than nine hundred posts and a reasonable number of persons visiting my blog  I am eager to be more authentic in whatever I write. I do hope I will get your support and encouragement.  The avid reading of materials in Sankrit, English, Tamil and Malayalam just gives me  profound insight into the materials  recording our cultural heritage, and I am all the more convinced that it is blasphemy to write anything without in-depth  study.  So the things are delayed and not denied for you.  Please bear with me.  I am sure I will post something worth even though not adequate  in girth from tomorrow onwards, Please do read them and bless me.

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